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  1. Stoner Smurf

    What the best yielding Kush strain?

    I just got done growing some Purple Kush. Good smoke, but not a heavy yielder. I got 1 zip a plant, while a different strain right next to it under the same lights got 3.5zips a plant.
  2. Stoner Smurf

    Putting Ice In Reservoir To Turn Plants Purple

    I am not saying your idea will work, just that I don't think it will be as disastrous as some people here think. Care to tell us a bit more about your set-up and strain? Also I would like to quickly add, the argument that if it doesn't happen in nature it's not good for the plants is a...
  3. Stoner Smurf

    Putting Ice In Reservoir To Turn Plants Purple

    Up until 2 months ago, I used to put frozen 1 gallon jugs of water in both of my res 2 times a day, and my aerocloner. I was doing it for a different reason, but none the less I was still doing it. I was doing it to keep my water temps under 70 (75 in cloner). My systems are RDWCs, and I put...
  4. Stoner Smurf

    Cheap C02 Solutions?

    Now the real question is, do you think it would be possible to convert a tankless water heater to run on LP instead of NG? My grow building doesn't have NG run to it, and I don't feel like digging a 100yd trench. Even with a ditch witch it sucks.
  5. Stoner Smurf

    Cheap C02 Solutions?

    Legally Flying, would you mind explaining what you had to do to use a tankless water heater as a CO2 burner? Does it come out of the box ready to be used as a CO2 burner? I was looking at installing one of these, seeing as they're about 50% of the price of a 'water-cooled co2 burner' (AKA a...
  6. Stoner Smurf

    A Compact DWC

    Why use 12" PVC over a 5-gallon bucket? A 5-gal bucket is usually 11 3/4" in diameter, and would probably be much cheaper. Plus no nasty PVC glue needed. Full res changes are as simple as popping off your lid, and placing it on a different bucket. No drain valves to be weak spots means no...
  7. Stoner Smurf

    who likes hash oil?

    To answer the OP, not me! I make it all the time, but mostly for my patients. I will take a smooth properly cured bud over BHO/earwax/budder any day. You may have to smoke more to get the same effect, but smoking lots of good buds is much better for my throat than smoking a little BHO. I...
  8. Stoner Smurf

    Trying to Legal

    Why don't you come on down off that high horse of yours and join the rest of us.
  9. Stoner Smurf

    Puppy Training Politicians

    Let's do it French Revolution Style.
  10. Stoner Smurf

    How You Like Your Females?

    Beautiful, Intelligent, or Emotionally Stable. Usually you just get to pick 2. I go with beautiful and intelligent. Crazy chicks keep you on your toes and make life interesting
  11. Stoner Smurf

    Free Tibet

    One World, One Nation, One People. Nationalism is one of the dumbest ideals in the world. Creating faux-differences among people using invisible, arbitrary lines drawn in the sand is just silly. A Utopian world would not be chopped up into tiny countries. People should take care of each...
  12. Stoner Smurf

    Ron Paul 2012 Michigan Thread -

    I thought he was running as an independent. I now see he is seeking the republican nomination. I doubt he will get it. Sorry but I think he's kinda batty. I would never vote for him. MMJ is only one aspect of life, and his other views are awful. An unregulated free market is too easily...
  13. Stoner Smurf

    House Bill 1983

    That's exactly right. Don't just sit on your ass getting stoned and talk about how people shouldn't being going to jail for marijuana. Spend 10-15 minutes of your day and do a little something to help move toward change. I sent letters via snail mail to several of the committee members. I...
  14. Stoner Smurf

    Would You Mess Around With A Fat Girl?

    They just gotta pay for it.
  15. Stoner Smurf

    Dry And Bored

    Make the country a better place, write your congress person.
  16. Stoner Smurf

    House Bill 1983

    It's nice to see your first post here is a one liner with misinformation. Welcome to RIU! This is a new bill, it was introduced May 25, 2011 by Barney Frank a Democrat from Mass. I have a feeling the recent findings of the National Cancer Institute (they recently admitted THC has tumor...
  17. Stoner Smurf

    The Real Possibility of the Ending of Federal Persecution of Patients

    House Bill 1983 House Bill 1983 the States Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act is currently in committee in our House of Representatives. House bill 1983 will do two things, first it...
  18. Stoner Smurf

    House Bill 1983

    In hindsight I should of probably given this a more attractive title... Hindsight is always 20/20 I guess.
  19. Stoner Smurf

    House Bill 1983 House Bill 1983 is currently in committee in our House of Representatives. House bill 1983 will do two things, first it will change marijuana from a...