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  1. Stoner Smurf

    PolyShield Sheathing

    Has anyone used this stuff for walls in a grow room? I am planning on building a standard frame, and then hanging this instead of drywall. I am working around plants so dry wall is not an option (too much dust). This stuff seems better anyway. Here's a PDF about it...
  2. Stoner Smurf

    Leak Proofing a DIY EZ Cloner.

    LoL that is horrible advice. It's Febuary in Michigan! :)
  3. Stoner Smurf

    Leak Proofing a DIY EZ Cloner.

    Mine is leaking from the same spot but not all the way around only in the center. My weatherstripping may be the problem. What is yours made out of. All I could find at home depot (I really hate that store, I usually try to avoid it like the plauge) was foam weather stripping.
  4. Stoner Smurf

    Leak Proofing a DIY EZ Cloner.

    So for all you out there using DIY aerocloners how do you prevent leaks? The first one I made was out of a roughneck and it leaked like a screen door in a submarine. Now I use a home depot 27-Gal tough box, with foam weather striping around the lid. It still leaks a bit in the center. Has...
  5. Stoner Smurf

    1st Grow 9x Euforia DP Recirculating DWC *PICS* Criticize and Advise PLEASE!

    I don't know how sold you are on your beneficial bacteria, but I am pretty sure zone will do a lot more to combat bugs like that. Dutch Master Zone will zap larva so I hear. Now I haven't tried it first hand because I've never had bugs in hydro yet, but I do use Zone and I have had no problem...
  6. Stoner Smurf

    Best ponics spray nozzle I have found.....

    Thanks for the thread. I guess I haven't had enough problems with my EZ-Cloner misters to warrant jumping through all these hoops. I have yet to have one clog, but I only use them for cloning purposes. As long as you aren't stupid and put something silly in it (i.e. organic tea) my misters...
  7. Stoner Smurf

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    Why do you refuse to call yourself an expert? If you have truly been growing for years, well then that makes you an expert. Why such modesty in the growing community. Most master growers will not refer to themselves as such, and if one does they get ripped apart on forums like these. If...
  8. Stoner Smurf

    What size water pump do I need? (RDWC)

    With air pumps bigger is always better, with water pumps in an RDWC that is not the case. If you get to large of a pump you will create too strong a current. The strong current will pull your roots into the pipe causing clogs, or cause root damage. I am running 10 5-gallon buckets with an 18...
  9. Stoner Smurf

    1st Grow 9x Euforia DP Recirculating DWC *PICS* Criticize and Advise PLEASE!

    I use tons of PVC in my grow and I have no problems with 'toxic gas'. My day time ambient temps in the veg room are 90 degrees. PVC is made for use with drinking water. You can stockpile PVC next to your grow and have no problems. Now wet PVC glue is a different story.
  10. Stoner Smurf

    Medi takes the Under Current RDWC system for a test drive, 6' x 8' Screen of Green.

    It's a shame cch2o doesn't offer the ecoplus line of commercial air pumps. I use several of the EcoPlus Commercial Air 3 and they're awesome. You can run a line off the intake. I have my pump located in my room, but the air for the intake actually comes from outside. I haven't seen any other...
  11. Stoner Smurf

    1st Grow 9x Euforia DP Recirculating DWC *PICS* Criticize and Advise PLEASE!

    Here's a little tip to tell if you are overfeeding or under feeding. If your PPMs raise over time (like yours, 470 to 500) you are over feeding, the plants are taking out more water than nutes causing PPMs to climb. If your PPMs drop over time you are underfeeding, the plants are taking out...
  12. Stoner Smurf

    Serious plant problems please help *pictures*

    I am not going to read through pages of a journal to try and find your problem. If you are having a problem and you are seeking help from us, why not help us out by summarizing your problem and providing pictures here instead of just a link. Maybe I am just crazy and noone else feels this way...
  13. Stoner Smurf

    Crap.. Just killed my rez culture, where to go from here?

    I'd keep using the zone, and get rid of the beni's. Zone is some freakin great stuff. My res temps reach 75 degrees + and I have no root problems. Soon I will have a chiller and it will be a non-issue but in the mean time DM Zone has saved my ass. When people who use beneficial bacteria are...
  14. Stoner Smurf

    Medi takes the Under Current RDWC system for a test drive, 6' x 8' Screen of Green.

    It's a shame RE and Zone are mutually exclusive. You kinda confirmed what I already assumed, RE is one of the few additives that is not snake oil. So where the hell is your Under Current rig?! I want to see some updates on that! How big are the girls in the rig getting? (By the way I was...
  15. Stoner Smurf

    My Legal, Medical, and Soon to Be Perpetual RDWC

    So since there has been zero interest after 48 hours, I am discontinuing this thread. I know I just bumped it to the top, and for that I apologize, but I will not be coming back here. Please don't get me wrong RIU, no hard feeling on my end, I know there are a ton of similar posts here. And...
  16. Stoner Smurf


    I swear I am not a rep for this company, I just swear by them. Best prices and a helpful staff. Check out They state on their site to call them before buying a chiller because chillers are the only item non-returnable there. So even if you don't buy it from...
  17. Stoner Smurf

    My Legal, Medical, and Soon to Be Perpetual RDWC

    Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to my grow show. The strain is Nirvana's Wonder Woman. On a side note I will never grow Nirvana beans again. Out of 15 beans, 14 popped. 3 Males, 7 Hermies, 2 Crappy Non-Hermie plants, and 2 mother worthy plants. I don't grow dicks so 2 out of 15 is...
  18. Stoner Smurf

    Lucas formula and RDWC

    I am using Dyna-Grow right now, Foliage Pro, Bloom, ProTek, and MagPro (All DG). I don't have a bad thing to say yet. Only been using for a few weeks but my plants in veg are looking great, the DG turned around some sickly looking plants. It's relatively cheap, it's concentrated, and it has...
  19. Stoner Smurf

    Your thoughts on my DIY RDWC hose/pump sizes and plumbing methods pls

    Sweet, I was wondering if I was ever going to go up a bar. Man, I've been so crazy busy. I scraped my old system and threw together a completely different RDWC in 48 hours. Then I had to cut down a dirt crop, and I've been trimming ever since. Bout to take my first shower in 2 days and get...
  20. Stoner Smurf

    Your thoughts on my DIY RDWC hose/pump sizes and plumbing methods pls

    Sorry for the slow response, I've been super busy, my internet is crap until Wed when they fix it, and RIU went out of their way to make their website much worse by getting rid of the last 5 posts from MyRollitup. I suppose you could put a pump on the return instead of the feed, but only one...