Serious plant problems please help *pictures*

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
I am not going to read through pages of a journal to try and find your problem. If you are having a problem and you are seeking help from us, why not help us out by summarizing your problem and providing pictures here instead of just a link. Maybe I am just crazy and noone else feels this way, but at least to me it feels like by just posting a link you are putting no effort in to finding the answer to your problem. That makes me not want to put much effort in to helping find the answer either.

Edit your post and give me more details and I will do my best to help you out.

But just glancing at your first post in your journal, your nute line up is crazy ridiculous. You use too many different bottles of nutes. It looks like you went to your grow shop and said "I'll take one of everything." Superthrive is nothing more than snake oil (at least for veg plants, never did a side by side with clones and rooting times). It does nothing for veg plants, I have personally done a side by side with superthrive in veg and there was no noticeable difference in plant size or root ball size. Regarding clearex, I saw a post on here by Homebrewer I believe, who in my opinion is a very credible source, in which he showed clearex does NOT do a better job of flushing than plain H2O.

Edit: Nothing in this post was meant to be offensive. If anything comes off as harsh, I just want you to know it was not meant to be. Tone is hard to convey via the interwebs. Everything was meant to be constructive criticism. And if you provide more info I will try to send some help your way.