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  1. Stoner Smurf

    Your thoughts on my DIY RDWC hose/pump sizes and plumbing methods pls

    I'll start from the bottom and work up. No no no no you do NOT put the pump on the return line. The pump goes for supply, gravity for return. The supply line empties out near the top of the bucket, gravity will not take water up hill. The return lines should be 3/4". If you put your system...
  2. Stoner Smurf

    RDWC-Do I need a rez, or can the controller be the rez?

    No, in theory you don't need a top-off res. But why would you want to HAVE to top it off every day? Sure still go check on it every day but why not only HAVE to mess with it once a week. It's very very simple to do, fuck messing around with a toilet float valve, check one of these out...
  3. Stoner Smurf

    Medi takes the Under Current RDWC system for a test drive, 6' x 8' Screen of Green.

    So I stand corrected, and I owe you an apology research kitty. A DIY UC system is much harder to make then one would originally think. I now definately see the value in the CCH2O product. When you use storage totes the edges are tapered (the top is larger than the bottom), which can make it...
  4. Stoner Smurf

    Humidity problems please help guys!!!!

    If you already tried a little humidifier and that didn't help all these DIY answers people come up with won't work. Wet towels, water filled crock pots on low, etc will raise the humidity in a small location, but even a small humidifier works better. It sound to me you just need a larger...
  5. Stoner Smurf

    My Hydro Set-Up. +Rep For Constructive Input

    Yeah I swapped out most of the plexiglass. It works wonderfully but it's near impossible to cut to size. Using any power tools on it will break it. So you have to use a razor knife and cut the shit out of it then break it. Unfortunately it rarely breaks smoothly. One tote has a piece of...
  6. Stoner Smurf

    My Hydro Set-Up. +Rep For Constructive Input

    I am almost done. I am pretty much where I'd be if I bought a UC system. All that's left to do is hook up the PVC and make sure there are no leaks. Here's some pictures of the build to hold ya over until I get plants in it, hopefully on Mon. This is the general layout of my Veg rig. The...
  7. Stoner Smurf

    My Hydro Set-Up. +Rep For Constructive Input

    ish this is going to be my first hydro grow, so I can only guestimate what my water temps are going to be like. I will be using DM Zone so that will help prevent problems. I have every tote wrapped in duct insulation to help keep temps down. I am pretty sure once I get my .25HP chillers which...
  8. Stoner Smurf

    My Hydro Set-Up. +Rep For Constructive Input

    Soon MM, very very soon. I plan on putting up a journal once the girls hit flower, since I am running a perpetual and the veg room is no fun for most people to watch. The picture in this post in my flowering rig, my veg rig is a little different. When I first started growing I got a 1000w MH...
  9. Stoner Smurf

    Pineapple express+Kandy kush. Hydro

    You run one of those Eco Plus 18w Commercial Air Pumps, right? How noisy is it? I just ordered 3 of them, got two one was backordered. I hooked them up and they were deafening. I haven't hooked them up to air stones yet, but it doesn't seem like much air for as much noise as it's making...
  10. Stoner Smurf

    My Nutrient Set-up

    Cheddar you are not getting it, in the correct view the prices are silly. There are 6 macronutrients and 10 micronutrients that all plants require to grow, and that's it. These expensive products that claim to do all this amazing shit are just different combinations of these 6 macronutrients...
  11. Stoner Smurf

    What's the Largest DIY Reservoir You Can Think Of?

    It's not really relevant to the conversation at hand, but sure. It's a 10 spot DIY RDWC system. There are 5 27-gallon storage totes and 1 18gallon epicenter chained together. Each 27gallon tote is home for two plants. Three 18w Commercial Air Pumps power 12 Atila air disks, and a 500GPH...
  12. Stoner Smurf

    Dyna-Gro KLN a synthetic replacement for Great White/H&G Root Excelerator?

    I am not exactly sure what's in roots excelerator, H&G is not too forth coming with that info. But I think KLN is supposed to do the same thing just in a different way. It is probably more like SuperThrive with it's B1, which contrary to popular belief does nothing for mmj when fed through the...
  13. Stoner Smurf

    What's the Largest DIY Reservoir You Can Think Of?

    Jedi a trough wouldn't have a lid though, would it? I don't imagine it would. I need a lid for my use, since the water could be sitting waiting to be used for a week or two. Have any idea where one could locate one of those giant plastic totes?
  14. Stoner Smurf

    Medi takes the Under Current RDWC system for a test drive, 6' x 8' Screen of Green.

    Wow now I feel like even more of a douche than I originally did. I am sorry bro. Nothing you said or did sounded feminine which is why I originally thought you was a dude, but the name is kinda misleading. Anywho moving on.... Yeah so you did mention your nutes, right there in the 2nd post...
  15. Stoner Smurf

    What's the Largest DIY Reservoir You Can Think Of?

    So I need somewhere to store RO water before it goes into my hydro system. Right now I use 44 Gallon Brute Trash Cans. It'd be cool to find something bigger, so I only need one or two.
  16. Stoner Smurf

    What Additives Do You Use?

    Not counting your base nutes what additives do you use? The plant gets all the macro and micro nutrients it needs from the base nutes (if you're using good nutes) so what purpose does your additive serve? I am curious how many of these additives are snake oil. I am talking about things like...
  17. Stoner Smurf

    Medi takes the Under Current RDWC system for a test drive, 6' x 8' Screen of Green.

    Hey MM, have you decided what nutes you are going to use? Also I am sorry I called you a man when I rep'ed you, I am an idiot. I guess Mary is probably not a man, so I apologize. In my defense I am really stoned and I am multitasking.
  18. Stoner Smurf

    Medi takes the Under Current RDWC system for a test drive, 6' x 8' Screen of Green.

    I've heard people have very lack luster results with GH in these Under Current systems. It seems like the 3 everyone uses in their UC are: Dutch Mater, Canna, or House and Garden. I was thinking about trying Dyna-Grow because of this thread. Homebrewer sold me on DG. Personally I am between...
  19. Stoner Smurf

    Medi takes the Under Current RDWC system for a test drive, 6' x 8' Screen of Green.

    Sub'ed, I am stoked to follow this, as I am in the process of building a DIY RDWC system. +Rep for being the first person rocking the UC on RIU (first RDWC I've seen here I believe, but I am sure someone's got one.). Sorry I have to go off topic for one moment, but I need to respond to this...