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  1. Stoner Smurf

    Bp pays no federal income tax in 2010

    LoL. Truly epic one liner.
  2. Stoner Smurf

    Bp pays no federal income tax in 2010

    That's pretty awesome, but totally pales in awesomeness to this: In 2010 Deepwater Horizion (The company that owned and operated the BP oil rig that blew up in the gulf) gave their top execs massive SAFTEY bonuses for their "safest year to date". Now that takes some balls...
  3. Stoner Smurf

    How does Bubbleponics Work?

    Yes you leave the roots constantly in the water. I run a 10 bucket RDWC, and while in flower I leave the buckets half full, in veg I keep the water about 1" from the bottom of the net pot (like cyborg said). The plants don't get overwatered, or root rot (if you do it right, keep the temps...
  4. Stoner Smurf

    PH just keeps raising like crazy please help!!!!

    Although bacteria/algae/root root is much more likely the culprit, but if you are overfeeding or under feeding it can cause ph swings. You'd have to really be over or under doing it to cause such a crazy ph swing so it's unlikely. But thought I'd throw it out there any way.
  5. Stoner Smurf

    EZ Cloner advice? Looking for surefire success!

    I had a problem with my well water killing full grown plants, so that's a good possibility. Get an RO. You can get a 100GPD RO for less than $99 ( I own one and my water comes out with a PPM of 50 (not zero like some of the super expensive ones, but 0 ppm is not necessary)...
  6. Stoner Smurf

    Who's Going to HASH BASH 2011?

    I haven't been in 5-6 years. It was really sweet in the late 90's early 00's. Then the police started cracking down on people smoking and it started getting lame. The last two times I went it was pretty lame. I wonder if it's any better now there's the medical movement. I may stop by and...
  7. Stoner Smurf

    Anyone Own/Use BlueLab Combo Meter

    Has anyone ever used a BlueLab Combo Meter? I am having to replace my $80 Oakton pH meter after only 9 months. My PPM meter is cheap, and I don't really trust it, nor expect it to last that long. Although I didn't originally do it, I much rather buy once and buy right. Going through an...
  8. Stoner Smurf

    Filtering Intake Air

    Those of you pulling air from outside, what do you use to filter that air? I've been using cheesecloth double layered. I am sure there has to be something better. It must be doing something cause it gets filthy quick. But I assume it's letting a lot of things pass through. Within a week the...
  9. Stoner Smurf

    Hermie pulled from 6-site dwc - possible roots left, what to do?

    You do not want to use Super Thrive during flower. It can cause weird things to happen during flower, I am sure a little digging can pull up a bunch of info. I think I remember reading it can cause hermies. SuperThrive makes some pretty outrageous claims on their packaging that I'd be...
  10. Stoner Smurf

    how to deal with blueberry?

    I've grown both Blue Dream (Blueberry x Haze) and Nirvana's Bubblelicious (I suspect it has blueberry as a parent, judging by growth pattern, color, and taste.). Both of these were grown before my my room was dialed in. Both strains hermied with only a bit of stress. I actually quit growing...
  11. Stoner Smurf

    Anyone hear about this Expo??

    It seems crazy expensive to me. $10 just to get in the door, then $20 per 1 hour seminar unless you buy the $250 "VIP Pass".
  12. Stoner Smurf

    Attorney General Bill Schuette says Michigan medical marijuana law no defense for dri

    First off dan, this guy wasn't even high. So your simple solution is pretty fucking stupid. Big difference between having marijuana in your system and being under the influence of it. If this precedent is set, nobody with a MMJ card will be allowed to drive. Pretty damn stupid if you ask me...
  13. Stoner Smurf

    Omg!!!! Grow software!! Must see!

    I used to use the paid version of that program. Its alright but has a lot of short comings. If you are growing in dirt this program works pretty well. But if you're growing in hydro i'd rather use HerbIQ which is free. Personally I use neither, I use grow buddy for my android phone. I just...
  14. Stoner Smurf

    PolyShield Sheathing

    I hate to keep bumping my own thread, but I am going to. I know someone has had to of used this stuff, or seen someone use it. I really want some first hand accounts of the reflective material used on it. That would be so awesome. +Rep for sure for anyone who has knowledge on this product.
  15. Stoner Smurf

    patients and caregiver reality check

    No offense hic but I rather have less of a higher quality product than a ton of an inferior product, and so would a lot of other patients I know. I don't really care if it cost more to grow, it's better quality. A Mercedes costs more than a Geo. I guarantee you if my indoor hydro was tested...
  16. Stoner Smurf

    Lansing Area - Need a Caregiver

    If you want someone to grow for you, but you only want 2-3 oz a month, why the hell do you care what they do with the rest of it? Then you say you want someone with a bit of growing experience a few posts down. To all that sir, I wish you the best of luck. You basically are giving someone the...
  17. Stoner Smurf

    How Big Of An A/C Unit?

    How big of an A/C unit will be required to cool a 12x18x8 room with 4000 watts of HPS in a normal mid-west summer. Our summers are usually in the 80's with a couple days in the 90's. 100's are rare. There is a window 16" away from the wall in my flower room. I was planning on just buying the...
  18. Stoner Smurf

    DWC feeding schedule question.

    Everytime I hear people talk about their nutes it makes me love DynaGro even more. Clear res FTW!
  19. Stoner Smurf

    HPS vs. Fluorescent advice needed.

    I use those T-5s for my mother plants (4 Lamp 4ft, HydroFarm). It's bright I guess, but it's still a florescent. Really doesn't have much light penetration when compared to my HID lighting. I would never even imagine flowering under them, let alone actually do it.
  20. Stoner Smurf

    PolyShield Sheathing

    Bummer, not one response?