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  1. Stoner Smurf

    Girl help again.. All help appreciated!

    Hello high\hgih, I am sorry to tell you that you've gotten a lot of poor advice in this thread. But I really feel for you, and that's why I am going to write this brief novel for you. I really hope you read it, because it will really help you and it's my community service for the week. :)...
  2. Stoner Smurf

    PS3 Dead Island

    Fallout 3 was an amazing game, NV disappointed me. The gameplay in New Vegas was a slight improvement over fallout 3 (the terrible iron sights and hardcore mode being the biggest improvement. Oh and I suppose they improved the party system, but not by much). But the environment of Fallout 3...
  3. Stoner Smurf

    Detroit Lions + 2011/2012 = Super Bowl

    Yep that's right I'm calling it, the Lions are going to win the super bowl this season. Everyone is saying they're "playoff ready" but forget that noise, they're superbowl ready. This team has put in their dues, and now it's time. Quarterbacks around the country are unable to sleep. Because...
  4. Stoner Smurf

    Bay City Raids

    But Bleedmaize, it's really not illegal under Michigan state law. I don't see this grey area people refer to, it's pretty black and white to me. It may be brief, but it's pretty clear to me. It says 'a registered qualifying patient', not the registered qualifying patient registered to the...
  5. Stoner Smurf

    Sign and tshirt ideas for the Sept 7th rally in Lansing.

    That's not called posing, it's called being a man. If you don't have a single dress shirt and tie in your closet, you're a chick. Every man on the planet has a shirt and tie. The only people who would call dressing appropriate for an event posing is a high-school age 'non-conformist'...
  6. Stoner Smurf

    3 questions for current patients

    I think a lot of people are misreading the third question. Anywho: 1)No 2)Yes 3)Nope, I'd keep growing, or move. Probably move to a more progressive state, or country. I wouldn't move because of fear of LEO, but because I refuse to pay taxes and support a local government that refuses to...
  7. Stoner Smurf

    Heads up if you're going to Lansing on the 7th........

    Every time I see you post I always think there is no way a post could be more ignorant. Yet every time you post you one up yourself. You are like a superhero, Captain Ignorant! Just cause you are a loser doesn't mean the rest of the community is. Many of us are white collar professionals...
  8. Stoner Smurf

    $15-20M BUST in Detroit

    I used to live in Detroit, and as a former resident of Detroit I can tell you I would rather have a massive 'illegal' grow op in my neighborhood than the abandoned warehouse it used to be. At least you won't have junkies and squatters living in a secured grow op. Every abandoned building...
  9. Stoner Smurf

    99% of Marijuana card holders are growing illegally!!

    Although kind of a moot point, but I am going to make it anyway, it costs a lot more than pennies to grow proper medical grade marijuana. After factoring in electricity, nutrients and foliar feeds, NG or propane for C02, etc etc, it cost around $70 per oz to produce. But all that doesn't...
  10. Stoner Smurf

    You really want to make a statement

    I hope you enjoyed you're two years of being able to use your medicine with out looking over your shoulder for cops. Because if Bill Shitty gets his way your time of being legal will be coming to an abrupt end.
  11. Stoner Smurf

    Your great MMMA

    Doesn't change the fact that because you were butt-hurt over your encounter with one person, you want to counter-protest a protest that has nothing to do with that person. That's showing one's true colors, gamble with the whole movement over a personal vendetta with one guy. Regardless of the...
  12. Stoner Smurf

    The Great Debate.

    Source please. You don't have a source cause you're wrong. I love people like you, in one breath you will say "Bush wasn't that bad of a president (or even worse, he was a good president)". Then in your very next breath you will bash Obama's spending. It makes you look so so unintelligent...
  13. Stoner Smurf

    The Great Debate.

    Yes blame Obama for the debt George W. Bush created, it makes you sound really really smart. *End Sarcasm*
  14. Stoner Smurf

    Is it ever OK to ask about someones sexual history?

    This is actually awful advice. The latex on latex causes friction, causing both to break. One condom is always safer than multiple. The more you know...
  15. Stoner Smurf

    Those That Work In The Medical Marijuana Industry

    So everyone who works in the MMJ industry, when someone asks you what you do for a living, what do you say? Do you just come out and tell them the truth or make up a lie? Do you get a lot of negative reactions when you tell people you work at a dispensary, co-op, grow shop etc. I recently...
  16. Stoner Smurf

    Smoking MJ while pregnant?

    I love how everyone comes in here acting like a doctor... Marijuana is not crack or alcohol. I am no doctor, so I am not qualified to answer this. But it would definitely be worth doing some real research on. I remember a few years back one of the major American universities released a...
  17. Stoner Smurf

    Pick My Purchase!

    That bong looks like crap. It looks like it has a shotgun hole, which doesn't make sense if the bowl slides. A shotgun on a water bong is never a good idea. Even if you know how to safely smoke your bong, your friends wont. You bong will piss on everyone who smokes it. Funny at first, but...
  18. Stoner Smurf

    SENATE BILL No. 377

    Wow big surprise, MI republicans are trying to take away more rights from more people. I wish our republicans in office were more sensible like some of the other state's republicans.
  19. Stoner Smurf

    Would you join NORML if it meant a discount on meds?

    You can't be serious... You have to be trolling me. You can't honestly believe a civilized nation can survive without police, regardless of how you feel toward them they're a necessary evil. Let's leave the wild west in the movies where it belongs. Sure people have guns, and sure they can...
  20. Stoner Smurf

    Would you join NORML if it meant a discount on meds?

    So I take it you don't ever drive on those state built roads, since the states never done anything for you. And you surely don't benefit from the absence of mob rule that would exist without the police. And of course you built your house out of fire proof space age material, so you will never...