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  1. Stoner Smurf

    Women and Makeup. When is it too much?

    Make up is too much anytime a pretty woman puts it on. A woman who is naturally pretty only should wear make-up for very formal occasions. A girl with a painted on face is the biggest turn off in the world to me. To me it just screams "HEY! I have zero self confidence!"
  2. Stoner Smurf

    Venturing into the big wide world...

    That's not true dude, don't sell yourself short. You need medical marijuana as badly as anyone else, for preventive medicine. Much like someone who is worried about heart attacks takes aspirin as preventive medicine. You don't have lung cancer do you? Well not wanting to get it can be reason...
  3. Stoner Smurf

    What does anyone see in these "herbal incense"?

    Any variation of JWH-xx is bad news. Besides all the health dangers that come with JWH-xx, it will also permanently prevent you from getting high off cannabis. JWH messes with your cannabnoid receptors in your brain. That right there should be enough to keep people away. If you really want...
  4. Stoner Smurf

    Do you think there are naked pictures of you online somewhere?

    There are at least two videos of me on the internet that I know of. Unlike a lot of you, there are plenty of clear shots of my face, tats, and other identifying marks. When I was 19 an ex-girlfriend and I made a video. When we found out we could sell that video for $1500 it was a no-brainer...
  5. Stoner Smurf

    What if you were sentenced to 5 years in prison?

    Maybe after 1000 years, but the first 999 years would be awesome. Anyone who says anything other than B is crazy, 5 years with no sex? No thank you.
  6. Stoner Smurf

    Skyrim Is The Shit.

    Well they are possibly working on FO4 now, but there will definitely be one. The head of Bethesda said something along the lines of not buying the IP to release one or two games. In 2010 the head of Bethesda said they were working on two projects. One had been in development for some time...
  7. Stoner Smurf

    Skyrim Is The Shit.

    I agree with you about NV. The setting of NV was pretty bad compared to FO3 as well. It just didn't fell Fallouty with a full functioning vegas strip. Although I did use a Powder Ganger uniform to help get a sheriff for Primm (that was the only time). Of course there is enough room for...
  8. Stoner Smurf

    EVE Online and Dust 514 Discussion

    Kinda disappointed theres not many stoner space pilots. :(
  9. Stoner Smurf

    Question About Being A Caregiver

    Hmmmm that's weird you say one thing, the law says another. I am going to go ahead and go with the written law on the books, no offense. The law says you can receive compensation and that is not the sale of a controlled substance. So sounds to me like that getting paid for your abilities and...
  10. Stoner Smurf

    600w vs. 1000w hps

    If you're growing indoors, and you are good at what you do, the amount of light will be your limiting factor every single time. With my signature strain grown under 600w lights I used to hit .80-.85 grams per watt. When I switched to 1000w lights I hit .84 GPW with the same strain. I saw...
  11. Stoner Smurf

    EVE Online and Dust 514 Discussion

    Yes, EVE Online is a MMORPG, and it's the best one ever made. It is also extremely hard but it's extremely rewarding, well as rewarding as a video game can be. It's a 100% player controlled sandbox. The market is controlled by players, and can be manipulated for profit. Items on the market...
  12. Stoner Smurf

    Tripping balls in my dream during my nap.

    Hmmmm, well you are neither female enough nor hot enough for me to give a shit about your dreams. Actually even if you were both hot and female, you dreams would still lack interest.
  13. Stoner Smurf

    Skyrim Is The Shit.

    I played the first one. It was incredibly fun for like an hour, then it just got crazy repetitive. It was my first ps3 game so I was amazed at how pretty everything looked, but the gameplay was really dull and tedious. The combat was awful and the missions were awful. I imagine the series has...
  14. Stoner Smurf

    Things my mom taught me :)

    8. How to give amazing head ? If she didn't teach you that she has done a great injustice to you. Because that woman has a skill! :) Just kidding, I couldn't resist being the first to claim sexual relations with your mother. I only kid, in fact I've never met your mother but I am sure...
  15. Stoner Smurf

    Skyrim Is The Shit.

    I spend about 75% of my gaming time playing competitive multiplayer games. But as far as single player games go, this game is amazing. Bethesda did such a fantastic job, although they really did drop the ball on the PS3 port. This is my single player game of the year. But as great as this...
  16. Stoner Smurf

    EVE Online and Dust 514 Discussion

    So where's all my stoner space pilots at? I am about to renew my sub for two reasons. One it's the best MMO ever, period. There is no need for a discussion, EVE is amazing, true definition of a sandbox. Second I need to get my bank up in preparation for Dust 514. How awesome does Dust 514...
  17. Stoner Smurf

    Ways To Sell Weed?

    You are either not as compassionate as you think you are, or you are a deluded crazy crazy man that does not under stand America. If you think recreational marijuana use should stay criminal you are not that compassionate. I would never use the word compassionate to describe anyone who thinks...
  18. Stoner Smurf

    Lookin for Green Crack

    You could send the OP a piece of the stem, and he could clone it using tissue culture. A little piece of non-trichome covered stem isn't going to get anyone in trouble even if caught.
  19. Stoner Smurf

    M.I. gamer's

    Using your logic Backstreet Boys - Self-Titled (14x Multi Platinum) is a far better album than Jimi Hendrix - Electric Ladyland (2x Platinum). Didn't know you were such a big Backstreet Boys fan. Do you rock out to "I Want It That Way" while playing with your Xbox?
  20. Stoner Smurf

    M.I. gamer's

    Every time I charge my PS3 controller can I say I hacked my controller? I only ask since it appears we are calling hooking up a USB device to a PS3 hacking. PS3 are keyboard/mouse ready, all you gotta do is plug it in, master hacker.