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  1. Stoner Smurf

    M.I. gamer's

    I would like to start by saying I only own a PS3, I refused to buy a piece of crap that failed over 50%. At release xbox had a failure rate of over 50%, remember the RRoD? With that being said PS3 isn't much better. Developers treat PS3 like a red-headed stepchild, since the majority of...
  2. Stoner Smurf

    A Thread For All The Fat People

    Being fat is definitely not something to aspire to. Not only does it make you physically disgusting, but you become a financial burden to society with all your fat related health problems.
  3. Stoner Smurf

    YEAH! The white house responds tothe petition........

    Well since we already know the type of response we get from these petitions you can sign this one:!/petition/we-demand-vapid-condescending-meaningless-politically-safe-response-petition/gCZfn86x Shoot for the attainable!
  4. Stoner Smurf

    Battlefield 3 @ Midnight

    I am going to get it tomorrow or the next day. Holla at me if you want to play. I PM'ed you my psn.
  5. Stoner Smurf

    I want your spider-mites

    As long as you're not far into flower, azamax is magic when it comes to killing spider mites. The secret to killing mites is to treat multiple times with multiple strategies. Start out with some Azamax. Two to three days later treat with some tobaccoo, then in another two to three days...
  6. Stoner Smurf

    Why are they closing dispensaries?

    Ha! Now that's some funny shit.
  7. Stoner Smurf

    I want your spider-mites

    What are you talking about? Where was any help offered?
  8. Stoner Smurf

    Gamer Input Please.

    Playstation Network is only $0 a year, and it's reliable enough. no less reliable than Xbox Live.
  9. Stoner Smurf

    Are the Lions real?...or are they just a fluke

    I got a 100 bucks on the Lions to go all the way. I am fully expecting a $3900 payout. The only fluke involving the Lions was the 49'ers win today. Did you see the way Stafford was throwing the ball side arm all first half? Wondering if his shoulder is bothering him.
  10. Stoner Smurf

    Walking dead

    The wait between seasons was unbearable. A 10 month + delay in between seasons, wtf is that. I can't wait.
  11. Stoner Smurf

    Tell Me About Your Look

    Just one more way to compare e-penises, not much else.
  12. Stoner Smurf

    Own a CO2 Generator? What Brand of CO2 Controller Do You Use?

    So you have 2 15 amp breakers dedicated to only CO2? Looking at the instructions on their website, it says it requires 15 amps to run.
  13. Stoner Smurf

    My Super Grow Room

    Why is this still stickied? Can we remove the sticky status from this? First off it hasn't been updated in more than a year. The dude was an illegal grower, although I see no moral dilemma with illegal growing the police don't always have the same view point as I. He's probably in prison...
  14. Stoner Smurf

    Own a CO2 Generator? What Brand of CO2 Controller Do You Use?

    If you own a CO2 generator, what type of controller/monitor do you use with it? I am about to purchase a liquid propane CO2 generator, but I can't decide on what type of controller to get with it. Please share your experiences. What model do you have? How do you like it? I've been looking...
  15. Stoner Smurf

    I need to know before I grow..!!

    Well I don't know all the details (or any of them for that matter), so hopefully someone with more answers will come after me. What I do know though is the state does not do inspections. They don't have the resources to check on everyone. So it seems to me nothing has changed. You...
  16. Stoner Smurf

    good way to invest a few hundred bucks?

    Gold is a terrible investment right now, it's at an all time high. The trick to investing is buy low sell high, not the other way around. Only invest in gold if you truly think that America is going to collapse in the near future, and the American dollar will be totally valueless. But if you...
  17. Stoner Smurf

    I ordered a new Grow Book acouple weeks ago..

    I much rather have fact from Rosenthal or Cevantes than an opinion from some noob on RIU that doesn't know what he/she is talking about. The quality of help has really declined here recently. I see people spouting misinformation all day as if it was fact. Anything I hear here I get a double...
  18. Stoner Smurf

    I ordered a new Grow Book acouple weeks ago..

    ED Rosenthal's book and Jorge Cervantes' book are the two best in my opinion. I've read through quite a few. I'm just a bit more fond of Rosenthal's book. He touches on a few things Cervantes does not and I feel it is better organized, and the pictures are prettier.
  19. Stoner Smurf

    Football Thread

    See what's happening is the Lions really care about their fans, and want them to have a good game to watch. If they would of came in a blew the Cowboys out of the water 70-0 it would of been boring. But by letting them win the first half, they made it exciting for the fans. When you're as...
  20. Stoner Smurf

    Detroit Lions + 2011/2012 = Super Bowl

    I really almost felt bad for him because I think you're right, he was literally crying. Those poor bears don't stand a chance next Monday unless they got a dude that's 10 foot tall to cover Calvin Johnson.