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  1. Stoner Smurf

    Make it rain technique ?

    Making it rain is way overpriced, it's much better to make it hail. Ask for $1 worth of pennies, go to the strip club, then throw the $ at the strippers. It's a great way to increase your yield at a fraction of the cost.
  2. Stoner Smurf

    im looking for a pink strain

    Does that really work? If you flush your plant with red food coloring will it really tint the buds?
  3. Stoner Smurf

    Im currently looking for patients

    Well you obviously never read the law... Because if you did you wouldn't have missed the huge section about the spirit of the law. This is the section where it talks about how all the work we do is suppose to be charity. You can set up your new grow under your bunk at the homeless shelter...
  4. Stoner Smurf

    Cola Turning Yellow! +Rep For ANY Help!!!

    Snow Crash you sound pretty certain. It does make sense I suppose. I usually give them 1-1.5 Tsp of Cal/Mag+ per Gal when I feed, last time I gave them only .5 Tsp per Gal. Thank you so much for the help.
  5. Stoner Smurf

    Cola Turning Yellow! +Rep For ANY Help!!!

    They definitely don't need more light. I have 100watts per plant, and the lights sit 1-6in away from the top of the cola depending on the plant and how tall it is. This plant in particular sits about 3in away from the bottom of the reflector. I have enough ventilation run through my lights...
  6. Stoner Smurf

    Grafting female clone to male rootstock?

    Or instead of using males, use the root system from females after you harvest.
  7. Stoner Smurf

    Cola Turning Yellow! +Rep For ANY Help!!!

    I give a little bit of veg food during 3rd and 4th week of flower so they have been getting nitrogen. Plus Nitrogen is mobile so if it was nitrogen it wouldn't be located at the top of the plant like that. Nitrogen deficiency start toward the bottom or middle of the plant on fan leaves. I've...
  8. Stoner Smurf

    Cola Turning Yellow! +Rep For ANY Help!!!

    One of my 12 plants has a cola that's turning real yellow. This plant has 4-5 colas due to LST and 2 of them have turned very yellow. The other plants of the same strain have not done this. This is the plant from a distance: These are the yellow colas: You can see all the leaves are very...
  9. Stoner Smurf

    folded taco strain (purple kush)

    I have a plant that does something similar but not as extreme. In my case it's a genetic thing, probably same in your case too. Every clone I take off my crazy plant shows the same crazy ass leaves.
  10. Stoner Smurf

    Slowing Down A Dominate Cola of a Topped Plant

    I topped my plants using Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to get 4 colas. It worked very well, and I got 4 little colas growing on all my plants. The problem is on one or two plants there is a cola that's very obviously dominate. Probably 4-5 times larger than the other ones. I cut them 5 days...
  11. Stoner Smurf

    What the SHIT is this??!!!! PLEASSSSE

    I've heard of people using H2O2 in hydro for the extra oxygen atom, but never to combat bugs. I am highly skeptical, but maybe I am wrong. I just never heard of it. It took 3 treatments for me to get rid of all the gnats in my room. But I think I got lucky it took my buddy 5. Just make sure...
  12. Stoner Smurf

    What the SHIT is this??!!!! PLEASSSSE

    That looks like gnat damage. You only did half of the treatment for gnats, that's why they're still around. You're suppose to treat with azamax, then 5-7 days later treat with azamax again. Azamax, GoGnats, etc doesn't kill eggs. So you treat with azamax kill all those fuckers then treat...
  13. Stoner Smurf

    "Fullmoon" from nirvana seeds

    You asshat... I was going to say the same exact two things. :) Definitely add perlite next round. Last time I was filling pots, I ran out of soil when I was filling my last pot. So the last plant got plain soil with no added perlite. I haven't harvested those ladies yet, but it looks...
  14. Stoner Smurf

    HTG Supply?

    I wish I had more hands so I could give HTG 4 thumbs down. I bought a ballast from them online. It was defective and popped bulbs like it was it's job. 2 $100 bulbs later I realized the ballast was broke (this was in a 24hr period), drove the hour to the HTG store. Not only did they not...
  15. Stoner Smurf

    All You Care Givers Out There, Do You Pay Your Taxes?

    Who says MMJ is suppose to be non-profit. I know in some states it is (i.e. New Mexico), but I know in my state (and I am sure we're not the only one) it says nothing about non-profit/for profit. Not paying taxes is a good way to end up in prison. My logic is as follows, Obama sent a memo to...
  16. Stoner Smurf

    want to get my room hoter its gettin cold

    This is a stellar idea.
  17. Stoner Smurf

    Qiuck way to getting clean

    Quit smoking pot and doing drugs? I'd imagine that'd be the natural way.
  18. Stoner Smurf

    Im currently looking for patients

    Whoa whoa whoa, what's with all the hostility Rzza? I did not "hijack" your thread, you asked a question I provided an answer. Simple because caregivers are everywhere as well and most are willing to provide their services free of charge to their registered patients. If you didn't want your...