What the SHIT is this??!!!! PLEASSSSE


Hey guys my plant is about 5 weeks into veg and I just noticed this(see pics)
Im using the lucas formula with RO water in hydroton. I have a bubble stone in the res and the drip ring running 24 hours. I was thinking about taking clones tomorrow until I saw this. I had fungus gnat problems last week. Had larvae in the roots, I used some sprays, mosquito dunks and azamax. It seemed to take care of the problem but a week later I see some flying around. Temps are normally 70-77 degrees. 42 humidity.

Could this be insects? Or nutrient deficiency The third pic looks like something has been chewing it...


Stoner Smurf

Active Member
That looks like gnat damage. You only did half of the treatment for gnats, that's why they're still around. You're suppose to treat with azamax, then 5-7 days later treat with azamax again. Azamax, GoGnats, etc doesn't kill eggs. So you treat with azamax kill all those fuckers then treat again 5 days later and kill all the babies that just hatched. My advice to you would be to start your azamax treatment over again. Do it next time you feed your lady, and then a follow up 5 days later.

I've used Azamax in the past before, and it works great. But it's crazy expensive. It's like $60 for a 16oz bottle. I've also used GoGnats, which worked just as well in treating my gnat problem. I think the same size bottle was $20. Azamax will kill all sorts of shit tho (i.e. Spider Mites) not sure if GoGnats will or not. Keep a bottle of Azamax on hand for other shit, but if gnats are the only thing you're fighting right now I'd save some dollars and get GoGnats.


Thats what I was thinking. But I did actually reapply but it was 7 days after. I changed the res from azamax mix back to RO water on the 9th And then did it again on the 15th. Well damn, so do you think I should redo the azamax in a few days?

roger v

try peroxide 1 to 3 3 being water.Spray on medium only. use neems oil on leafs.Get some yellow stickey traps to kill the ones that are flying around. The peroxide will kill the larvai. and when useing ro water you should add some cal mag.


Thanks guys. All I have is 3%h2o2. Should I get 35%?
I have 3 yellow sticky traps around the plant and have never seen a single gnat get stuck to it. I put a cup of apple cider vinegar too. But I've only found one get stuck in it

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
I've heard of people using H2O2 in hydro for the extra oxygen atom, but never to combat bugs. I am highly skeptical, but maybe I am wrong. I just never heard of it.

It took 3 treatments for me to get rid of all the gnats in my room. But I think I got lucky it took my buddy 5. Just make sure you treat your medium once more about a week after all the gnats disappear, since I don't think Azamax kills eggs.

The fungus gnat's life cycle is as follows: Female lays 100-300 eggs ==6Days==> eggs hatch into larva ==14Days==>Enters pupal Stage ==5Days==> Full Grown Gnat ==10Days==> Gnat dies

Since those yellow sticky things are useless, you got to wait for the adult gnats to die. Just make sure when all the adults die you kill all the larva. Then there are no new gnats to lay eggs and you won the war. I took down my sticky strips after 10 days, couldn't take it any more and they didn't do shit. I had 10 hanging, and I caught all of 2 gnats. And if you touch those fuckers the glue is a bitch to get off. Also they ruin any leaf they accidentally touch. More trouble than they're worth IMO.