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  1. Stoner Smurf

    A Theory: Using Infrared Light to Drastically Reduce Dark Time of Flowering Plants

    Hey everybody. Sorry I made this post and then disappeared, been alternating between very busy and very sick. Neither of which gives me much computer time. Thanks for all the info guys and keeping this thread going. Micromaster thank you for that link, that is exactly what I was thinking...
  2. Stoner Smurf

    A Theory: Using Infrared Light to Drastically Reduce Dark Time of Flowering Plants

    Verde it's nice to see someone at least thinking along the same lines. +Rep Gobbly the benefit is being able to keep your lights on longer. If you can accomplish in 6 hours of dark what normally takes 12 you can keep your lights on another 6 hours. Plants do most of their growing during the...
  3. Stoner Smurf

    A Theory: Using Infrared Light to Drastically Reduce Dark Time of Flowering Plants

    So I have a little theory, not exactly sure if it will work so hopefully someone with more expertise on the area can confirm if the theory is sound. +Rep for any insightful conversation for sure. For those of you whom this is not your area of expertise, you are probably going to want to know...
  4. Stoner Smurf

    Do They Know Its Christmas?

    LOL, this was the only correct answer.
  5. Stoner Smurf

    FCC votes in favor of regulating the internet...

    All the people who are ranting about this have obviously never have had their connection throttled by their ISP. It fucking sucks. ISPs already throttle people who us their connection "too much". Ask any Comcast customer in a big city that torrents. How is that fair or right that I get 10%...
  6. Stoner Smurf

    3 Word Story

    If you take
  7. Stoner Smurf

    I Perceive You In Real Life As.....

    That's only cause your a girl. But as a guy I assure you not only would it be not silly drawing in bigger boobs on Raggedy Ann there, it's the logical choice. It will make her clothes fit better. :)
  8. Stoner Smurf

    Best type of Joint?

    hayduke you need to download you a copy of the Joint Rolling Handbook if you need some tips. Step by step directions that are very easy to follow. The joint rolling hand book has directions to make a marijuana cigar. It's fucking awesome. So I like those and windmills, but truth be told...
  9. Stoner Smurf

    FCC votes in favor of regulating the internet...

    You guys are absolutely right, this is a travesty! What the fuck do we need to regulate corporations for. Because if history has taught us anything it is that mega corporations (like Version, Comcast, and the other big telecommunication companies) are ALWAYS benign and have the public's best...
  10. Stoner Smurf

    600w Vanilla Kush x7 / Dyna-Gro

    Where are the pictures? I want to see what you grew using Dyna-Gro
  11. Stoner Smurf

    Need Help Quick

    I hear selling your body pays well these days. You could go that route.
  12. Stoner Smurf

    Dark Periods BEFORE Flower

    Thank you the relevant parts of that were interesting (I didn't read the irrelevant parts). +Rep What a random study to have a link to. How did you come across that? That's exactly the type of scientific data I like to see. Too bad their conclusion doesn't support my hoped for results. It...
  13. Stoner Smurf

    Idea For Grow Up (double SCROG)

    Why? I read this and that is all I think. It seems very Rube Goldberg machiney to me. If you want more light hang more HiD lights.
  14. Stoner Smurf

    Dark Periods BEFORE Flower

    I am curious if anyone has ever done a side by side, putting one plant from 18/6 to 12/12 and giving another plant 24-36 hours of uninterrupted darkness before the swtich. The darkness between veg and flower should make the plants flower quicker. What I want to know is does this have an effect...
  15. Stoner Smurf


    I say you should give it a shot. It's not all that hard to do if you have the technological know how to use the advanced hammer and nail. It spreads out your canopy which increases your yield. Just cause someone is a new grower doesn't mean they don't want more yield, that's just silly. It's...
  16. Stoner Smurf

    Dumping A Reservoir Outside

    How environmentally unfriendly is it to empty your reservoirs outside on the ground. I am guessing very but hoping not at all. Right now I grow in soil, so I don't have a lot of excess liquid that needs dumping. Maybe 10-15 gallons of waste liquid gets dumped outside a week. If I switch to...
  17. Stoner Smurf

    Can You Put A Clone In a Rapid Rooter Into a DWC System?

    I am aware that it is not the ideal way to clone for a DWC system. But could you put rapid rooter clones into a DWC system and set the water level high for the first week until the roots grow down into the water?
  18. Stoner Smurf

    DIY 1200watt Under Current with DJ Short Bluberry, Sweet Island Skunk, Sour Diesel

    Do you think you could elaborate a bit on how you built it and how it works? I am having a hard time telling where your air pump is hooked up to. Also how do you change your water without a central reservoir? I see the control bucket, but if you were to try and mix nutes in it, doesn't it all...
  19. Stoner Smurf

    Water-Cooling Your Equipment

    Does anybody water-cool any of their grow equipment? I was looking at a water-cooled co2 generator ( I hear normal CO2 generators usually raise temps about 10 degrees. It'd be nice to have just...
  20. Stoner Smurf

    Micropropigation (Tissue culture)

    RIU search feature sucks, so use google. "WhatYouWantToSearch" Typing that into google will do a google search of RIU. It works 10x better than RIU's search.