Search results

  1. Stoner Smurf

    Meet Boris the Spider

    So this guy has taken up residence in my veg room (His name is Boris). I had a gnat problem that I recently treated. I figured Boris was only there to fight the war on the front lines. But now that I see no more gnats, he's still here. I have also seen a few baby spiders on the sides of my...
  2. Stoner Smurf

    Plant Growing 2 Different Buds!!!

    The original story was posted on 4/20/07. Maybe it was his 4/20 prank much like a 4/1 prank just a lot lamer.
  3. Stoner Smurf


    Would you care to elaborate a bit on your situtation? I find my self more than a little bit curious. What could you possibly have going besides court or work you'd have to piss. I remember when I was an account manager for a frozen food distributer they tried to piss test me. I just straight...
  4. Stoner Smurf

    how do i stop getting jipped

    Get one of these: You'll never get ripped off again. Just flash your grenade like a gangsta would his gun. No one wants to be on the bad side of a crazy person with a grenade. You may ever start getting hooked up. Your welcome.
  5. Stoner Smurf

    fish pump to r/o

    You would need two trash cans. It would be done purifying before the first was empty. You would also need a big enough pump to produce the needed pressure. R/O systems need pressure to work, and your specific R/O unit will tell you the minimum pressure. Also we must not forget about waste...
  6. Stoner Smurf

    Seedling help

    Try starting them in Rapid Rooters or something similar instead of rockwool. It's more forgiving.
  7. Stoner Smurf

    Any idea?

    I can't see anything in that picture. Possibly thrips though. I've seen green thrips. And if it is thrips kill those sons of bitches.
  8. Stoner Smurf

    Paint over mylar?

    It's already been said, but do NOT use gloss. Flat white paint works 100 times better.
  9. Stoner Smurf

    Seedling help

    Maybe you have water that's poisonous to your plants, I don't know. Once upon a time I had that problem. The water out of my tap has so much lime and calcium my plants wouldn't grow. They wouldn't grow more than an inch or two then they'd die after a month. I am not sure what's happening...
  10. Stoner Smurf

    how do you like to medicate

    I like to medicate by taking my medicine and putting it in my body. Other than that I am not picky. So I voted for them all cause I use them all on a regular basis (well my vap is broken right now). If I had to pick only one I would probably pick a bong, but since your poll didn't force me to...
  11. Stoner Smurf

    Rollitup Transforming into Google/Elementary School??

    Well since we are on the subject, how do I make my weed smell like strawberries? Will drug dogs be able to detect my strawberry smelling weed? Just kidding.
  12. Stoner Smurf

    DEA and their gadgets

    I hear these are very very good at dealing with DEA helicopters and their IR cameras or if you want a more American, and less of a terrorist feel one of these should be a good subsitute Your welcome.
  13. Stoner Smurf

    Who wants to make it big time?

    Man I want to be filthy rich. If I was a billionaire I'd just do balla ass shit all day. Walk into a restaurant and pay everyone's tab. Make it rain on random people walking down the street. I am a socialist so I'd share my wealth, but only in balla ways.
  14. Stoner Smurf

    Selling to the Michigan Dispensaries

    If I am offered $250.00 for my premium bud I'd be happy. NBKA how many ozs were they willing to buy from you? I don't mind getting 250 an oz if they will buy 1/4 lb or 1/2 lb. I don't need the headache of being a weedman, I am not a kid anymore. The drug game is for the youth.
  15. Stoner Smurf

    DEA and their gadgets

    They make special IR blocking Mylar. I've never used it but it's suppose to make you undetectable by flying pigs. I guess the best way would be to move to a medical state though. Then you don't have to worry about the pesky porkers in the sky.
  16. Stoner Smurf

    Selling to the Michigan Dispensaries

    I don't think I'd be to eager to give a dispensary anything on consignment. I much rather sell it cheaper than on consignment, surely they don't all work on consignment. About the LEO and raids, not too worried about that. I am as legal as can be, and have an amazing legal team if the need...
  17. Stoner Smurf Why Are You Always Down?

    Rollitup is my favorite site by a long shot. If you add up all the visits from every other site I go to, it wouldn't come close to the number of Rollitup visits. Rollitup is the best marijuana forum, and well... marijuana is just great. So, when you go down at random times for...
  18. Stoner Smurf

    Selling to the Michigan Dispensaries

    Has anyone sold to any of the MI dispensaries? How hard is it? I hear a lot of them are lacking the real high quality bud, is this true? What kinda pay are they handing out for quality product? Do they buy other things like hash and edibles? If anyone could shed some light with their first...
  19. Stoner Smurf

    Two Isolated Problems. Please Help!

    Also if you look at the new growth on the plant that may have bug damage, it looks damaged.
  20. Stoner Smurf

    Two Isolated Problems. Please Help!

    I have 15 plants together, growing in soil. Two plants have two different problems. One plant has a leaf that looks burnt. I am pretty sure I spilled some nutes on it which caused it to burn. The second problem plant has a hole in one of the leaves. It looks almost like bugs, but it's only...