fish pump to r/o

would this work:

takeing a fish pump filling up a trashcan with water putting the hose on fish pump then putting hose and fish pump in water then hooking up the hose to the (IN) side of the r/o and haveing another hose running from the (OUT) side of the r/o back into the trashcan and running it till the hole tashcan is purified.

what size fish pump should i use wat gph?

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
You would need two trash cans. It would be done purifying before the first was empty. You would also need a big enough pump to produce the needed pressure. R/O systems need pressure to work, and your specific R/O unit will tell you the minimum pressure. Also we must not forget about waste water. R/O units produce a lot of waste water to make the perfect H20 you seek. Mine has it's waste hooked right up to a drain in my plumbing so I don't know how much waste it produces. I have heard it's over 50% from some people, but hopefully someone who knows exactly will chime in. Either way though it's a lot, and it has to go somewhere. But if you account for all that, then yes in theory you could use an R/O system without hooking it up to your plumbing.

Although it's not hard to hook it directly up to your plumbing, will take 2 hours for an amateur with common sense. There are directions ya know? I have mine hooked up to my plumbing and it empties into a trashcan. I then pump it from that can to where it needs to go. I think having it any other way than directly in your plumbing would be a headache and a half.