Two Isolated Problems. Please Help!

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
I have 15 plants together, growing in soil. Two plants have two different problems. One plant has a leaf that looks burnt. I am pretty sure I spilled some nutes on it which caused it to burn. The second problem plant has a hole in one of the leaves. It looks almost like bugs, but it's only one leaf. I have checked the soil and the leaves for bugs and couldn't find any. I am not really worried about one leaf but if it is bugs I want to catch it early. The first pic is of the burned leaf (if someone could confirm my suspicions I would be mucho grateful.), the other two pics are of the leaf with a hole (it's on the right side of the pic). Sorry for the crappy pics, but my camera is 9 years old.
problem 002.jpgproblem 004.jpgproblem 003.jpg