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  1. Stoner Smurf

    Anyone Use Crazy Cheap Bulbs.

    Has anyone ever ordered anything off of Their prices seem too good to be true. Edit: I am really really really stupid.... I just misread their sight.
  2. Stoner Smurf

    How Easily Will Tiger Bloom Burn Plants?

    So if you follow the Fox Farm feeding schedule using all their products (3 Liquids, 3 Soilds, 3 Bushmaster) and RO water the PPM comes out very low. About 400-500 lower than it should be. I've been raising my PPM by adding more of the solubles than suggested (schedule says.25Tsp/gal. I used...
  3. Stoner Smurf

    CO2 from your lungs

    This belonged in the Advanced Cultivation section. Well done!
  4. Stoner Smurf


    Where am I voting for your mix? I don't see anywhere to vote. You add enough to these forums that I suppose you're allowed a little spam.
  5. Stoner Smurf

    Has anybody recently received their card?

    They cashed my check around the same time as you (August 8th I think). I got my hardcard in the mail last week. So anyday I am sure.
  6. Stoner Smurf

    6th week of flowering! PICS WHATS MY YEILD !

    I am thinking you will get something in the range of 1 gram to 50lbs or somewhere in between.
  7. Stoner Smurf

    Using Trim For Butter

    When using trim for butter can you use wet leaves or do they have to be dry?
  8. Stoner Smurf

    A question for my grower friends.

    Yes but what about an outdoor cage? You know like a giant dog kennel. It's enclosed on all sides including the ceiling and could be outfitted with a lock. I have a buddy who's gonna do that next season. Unfortunately I don't live in an area where that's feasible for me.
  9. Stoner Smurf

    Grow room to hot

    Like people already said 1000 watt lights make a lot of heat. I'd imagine a 1000watter would be over kill for a closet grow. I run a 1000watt MH light in my 10'x10' veg room. I have an inline fan for both intake and exhaust. This is the 6" fan I use for exhaust: Valueline 6" Inline Fan. By...
  10. Stoner Smurf

    Fox Farm Feeding Schedule Creates a Low PPM Feed

    Right, which is really low. So are you suppose to add more or just keep feeding it a really weak solution.
  11. Stoner Smurf

    Fox Farm Feeding Schedule Creates a Low PPM Feed

    Really no one has anything to add? Plus Rep to anyone that can help me out.
  12. Stoner Smurf

    Fox Farm Feeding Schedule Creates a Low PPM Feed

    I am currently using the entire Fox Farm line. If you follow their suggested feeding schedule your feed will be about half the suggested PPM the same schedule suggests. This is the Fox Farm's Feeding Schedule . Take the 2nd week of flower (week 6), they suggest 1Tbl Big Bloom, 2 Tsp Tiger...
  13. Stoner Smurf

    Low PPM reading W/ Fox Farm

    I know this post is a year old but I am having a similar problem. Only difference is I use Microbe Brew and Open Sesame as well, and my PPM is only slightly higher.
  14. Stoner Smurf

    Fox Farm TB, GB, BB vs. TB, GB, BB + Solubles

    Sub'ed. Please don't forget to post your results.
  15. Stoner Smurf

    A Question About pH.

    They don't all look healthy actually. I noticed about 5 min ago 2 of the ladies with low ph run-off have Mg deficiencies. One of each strain. Both girls had pH run-off of 5.9.
  16. Stoner Smurf

    A Question About pH.

    My PPM meter broke, but assuming nothing has changed in the last month the PPM of my straight RO water is 38. I've been doing all my feeding off my notes because I know x amount of nutes equals y PPM from previous feedings and stellar notes that I've taken. I know I really do need to buy a new...
  17. Stoner Smurf

    A Question About pH.

    I already use Ca/Mg+, actually I use Botanicare Ca/Mg+. I use Ca/Mg+ when I feed the ladies their other nutrients. My plants get a well balanced mixture of nutrients every other water. I alternate between feed, plain RO water, feed, etc. So you're suggesting that I use Ca/Mg+ In every water...
  18. Stoner Smurf

    A Question About pH.

    I know lot's of people use R.O. water so surely I can't be the only one having this problem. What do the rest of you guys do? I have R.O. water for a reason, it wouldn't be good for me to mix it with my well water. Thanks Kerovan, +Rep for the help.
  19. Stoner Smurf

    A Question About pH.

    Is there some kind of fix. How can I do a feed-water-feed-water schedule if the water is going to send the pH all over the place?
  20. Stoner Smurf

    A Question About pH.

    Here's the deal, I have 12 plants, 6 of one strain 6 of another. I am using ProMix BX with 25-30% added perlite. I mix all my nutes in a giant tub then give each plant 1 gallon. So they all are potted in the same medium and all get the same amount of nutes at the same pH. Today I watered...