Search results

  1. Stoner Smurf

    Low Run-Off pH. Soil Additives to Raise pH

    So I've had real low run-off pH almost my whole grow. I was using Happy Frog soil and my run-off would always be under 6. The low pH of the soil caused an Mg lock-out, which I fixed but not easily. I've tried everything to raise the pH but have had very little sucess. The next group of...
  2. Stoner Smurf

    A chronic history

    I watched it, I quite enjoyed it. They showed marijuana in a pretty positive light.
  3. Stoner Smurf

    Does Anybody Know Who Wrote/Proposed Prop 19?

    I am on the other side of the country so I am not as knowledgeable on prop 19 as you west coasters. I am very curious who wrote prop 19. It seems almost like it was written with the intent of failing and sabotaging the marijuana community. Now the anti-drug crusaders are going to say, "the...
  4. Stoner Smurf

    Question For the Care Givers

    Really? I don't often use this word but I think it fits here, that is truly epic.
  5. Stoner Smurf

    How Big Are The Holes In Your Scrog Screen?

    How big are the holes in your scrog screen? I've heard people using 1"x1" holes and I've heard of 4"x4". Which is better? 4x4 seems to big and 1x1 seems to small. I was thinking 2x2, but this will be my first scrog. If someone with more scrog'ing experience would shine some insight into...
  6. Stoner Smurf

    Hemp Tycoon on

    That was an outstanding response, thank you sir. By the way I am stoned on the Sour D as well. I love that shit.
  7. Stoner Smurf

    Question For the Care Givers

    I guess paranoid wasn't the right word, because I suppose it's a logical fear. There is no way around it, their paperwork will have your SS. I suppose you could talk to your patient and have them black it out with a sharpie or something. I wouldn't imagine that would make the papers invalid...
  8. Stoner Smurf

    Question For the Care Givers

    Get you some LifeLock. The dude on the commercial aired his social on TV. If someone does manage to steal your ID they reimburse you. If you're that paranoid there's your answer.
  9. Stoner Smurf

    Free Meds - is it legal?

    I just don't follow this train of logic... It's okay for a farmer to make a living, pay his/her mortgage, and feed their family if they grow corn or beans, but if they grow pot they're suppose to do it for free or at cost? Why is that? Please explain I am all ears. Are farmers who refuse to...
  10. Stoner Smurf

    Are These Hermies? Pics. +Rep For Help

    I've never had to deal with a hermie before so I've never seen one in real life. I am about 99.9% sure this is a hermie from pics I've seen. I don't know what would of caused it to hermie, out of 12 plants only one hermied. It has these banana flowers all over the plant. It was not a...
  11. Stoner Smurf

    Electric Bills??

    There are benefits of having your on cycle during the day as well. Primarily being able to work on your grow during the day. Tis true you can use green light bulbs and still work in there. But light will leak in when you open the door to go in. Also any little leak will leak light during the...
  12. Stoner Smurf

    Electric Bills??

    Look at your bill and see how much they charge per KW/hr. The T5's use minimal electricity, might see an increase of a dollar or so a month. Same with the fans. By the way speaking of the T5's, don't get 2ft T5's I'd get 4ft. I am pretty sure the last 3-6in at both ends of a T5 tube don't...
  13. Stoner Smurf

    Im currently looking for patients

    Ain't that the truth rzza, it's almost funny. I will have nothing to do for 4 days then all of a sudden I have 3 16hour days in a row. There's going to be a week in November that's going to be a real bitch for me. I am going to have to harvest/trim/dry, take clones, plant the ready clones...
  14. Stoner Smurf

    Fimming, Topping, Or LST?? which one should i do!?

    I am no master horticulturist, but I've tried all 3 techniques, and I will share my experiences of them. Low Stress Training (LST) Pros: -Definitely increases your yield. Instead of one large cola bud, you get lots of smaller popcorn buds. The final result is quite a significant increase...
  15. Stoner Smurf

    My Unrooted Clone Is Growing Like a Motha #$*^@

    I took clones about a week ago. I usually use Clonex as a rooting gel, but my local hydro shop was sold out. So being the lazy stoner that I am, I didn't feel like driving 30min to get Clonex so I let them sell me on something called Juciy Roots (I think it's made by AN). It's been about 6...
  16. Stoner Smurf

    in ann arbor 10/21

    I think it's slang for Ann Arbor, like A-Duce.
  17. Stoner Smurf


    I've been watching the first couple seasons the last two days. In the second season when they're growing there is Advanced Nutrients shit posted all over. AN feeding chart, Conrad says something like "This Advanced Nutrients is the shit. All buds and no stems". One episode is just like 10...
  18. Stoner Smurf

    C02 yields vs non

    Here's a video that shows what CO2 can do on Cowpea. Somebody posted it here awhile ago. I am pretty sure the video was made by some pro-global warming nutjobs, but whatever. Doesn't really matter who made it, it's a cool video...
  19. Stoner Smurf

    dry ice

    Unless you are getting lbs and lbs of free dry ice it melts too quick to be an economical option. You're cheaper off buying tanks or a generator, and those you can control the amount of CO2. There was a 3 day stretch a month or so ago it got abnormally hot, and I decided to try and use dry ice...