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  1. S

    flowering clones?

    I'm aware people take clones in order to sex them. The idea is would you get a higher yield from cutting down most of the plant or by just leaving it alone to grow au natural? What'd'ya think :)
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    flowering clones?

    I heard it is possible instead of flowering a whole plant to crop it down into clones? And once they take root put them to 12/12 and begin flowering individually? The idea is that you can use small cups essentially going back to the basic setup of seedlings. Each cutting would develop its own...
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    How long for veg and flower?

    Just an update on the trees. It's been another week. the 5 stand an average height of around 13inches (just over a foot) 8 weeks old from the moment they sprouted :) The one on the very right, fell off and the stem snapped. i kind of just tugged it up straight and hoped for the best...
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    1st real guerilla grow(THC bomb,dutch passion ect) grow journal

    Hey they look alright. I think the problems you are experiencing with the leaves are actually nutrient burn, not a lack of them. Maybe your miracle grow contains ferts that your seedlings don't need yet. Seen so many grow logs where they use MG time release nutrients and their plants go fine...
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    Do these look small for being a couple days short of 4 weeks old?

    Growing isn't all that easy, theres under/over watering, under/over fertilizing, not enough/too much light or heat, air flow or humidity. There are also PH levels and Co2 levels but i don't bother to worry about those, at least not yet. Bottom line is, you can't just stick plants outside in the...
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    How long for veg and flower?

    Wow everyone had great answers thanks for the info! :) I plan to wait for alternating nodes, and about 45% of the height of my grow space At this rate its been 7 weeks in total. So, 2 weeks as seedlings and 5 weeks into vegging :)
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    How long for veg and flower?

    I'm new to growing and i have gotten mixed information on how long to veg and flower. Typically, I consider veg begins the moment the seed pops out of the dirt. Is there a certain height you should grow to, or a certain time period in days or weeks? Should you wait until a certain number of...
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    indoor to outdoor?

    bumpidy bump bump it's been 9 days since my last post in this thread Take a look above. I newbishly started LST- step 1 of a plant that was getting a little too tall. after 9 days, here's how shes doing now: note the new growth at each node shes certainly getting bushier. As for topping-...
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    whenever you want really.. You can start when the plants just a few week old seedling or wait until it is well underway in the veg stage and then start!
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    indoor to outdoor?

    BUMP.. at first i didn't plan to top or LST, but i have debated on experimenting with them. This arises 2 new questions i need answers for: Should i top this plant at the 4th or 5th node? consider that the true leaves have wilted off. where should i top it, or do you think i even should try and...
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    indoor to outdoor?

    Have some seedlings that i need to move outside into the ground. Not sure if they are ready, but it is a must. =[ How old should a plant be before you move it outdoors? If you've given 24/0, is it bad to place them out in a natural light cycle? A few of the seedlings continue to show signs...
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    Seedling nutes?

    a dollar package of 'plant food sticks', About 20-30 sticks in the pack. I cut up a single stick, into tic tac sized peices and stuck em in different pots. everything looked fine until a week later, when extreme nutrient burn took place. Amazing how a tiny, 10 cent mistake could be so...
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    Seedling nutes?

    At this point i'm happy with just the one lady that continues to look quite fyn ;) I haven't started any nutes yet with her at all. I think maybe shes newbie-resistant. On her 7th or 8th healthy node, i think now would be a good time to start.. what should i be feeding at 5 weeks? Ironic how the...
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    need help again! now with pictures. i am having a hard time deciding.

    1. 2. Pic 1: Things go well during week 1 and week 2.. then BAM week 3 look at those leaves. Pic 2: You can get tiny plants that grow leaves, yet turn into nothing but big wastes of time. All 4 of these plants were aged 3 weeks when this was taken. And as you can see, there are obvious size...
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    Seedling nutes?

    Which nutes do you feed your seedlings and when d'you begin to feed? I'd like to speed things up.. only 4 of 20 are the size they should be at 5 weeks. I'm looking for a list of nutes to use, and when to use them. An estimated cost and where to purchase would also be extremely helpful :) Thanks...
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    Calcium Deficiency In Week and 1/2 Old Seedlings?? Help??!!

    make sure to saturate the entire soil when you do water. eg. If you only water the top of the soil, the roots will reach up towards the surface to get to the H2o.
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    Light green spots in leaves

    Which nutes did you feed, and diluted to what strength? I've heard of miracle grow being both a successful and detrimental grow medium for seedlings. Reason being is that some miracle grow soil contains time release nutrients that can cause unexpected nute burn over time. When using tap water...
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    Light green spots in leaves

    You should edit and add some more information. 1. What soil did you use? 2. What light are you using? 3. How often do you water? 4. Do you use tap, bottled or distilled water? 5. Have you begun to use any nutrients yet?
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    newby probs

    You can buy top soil that contains perlite, or buy perlite and mix it into the soil. It helps keep the soil spongy instead of compact, promoting root growth. I'm not sure about cow manure, i'm sure it contains nutrients but the question is which ones and how much? What light do you have it under...
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    newby probs

    It appears you may own a dwarf. Out of 25 seeds i grew 3 of them. 'Dwarf plants' are what i've been calling them, i'm not sure the scientific term for it.. These plants grow normal at first but appear much smaller than your average plant. They don't develop complex root systems and 'dampen off'...