Seedling nutes?


Well-Known Member
Which nutes do you feed your seedlings and when d'you begin to feed?
I'd like to speed things up.. only 4 of 20 are the size they should be at 5 weeks.
I'm looking for a list of nutes to use, and when to use them.
An estimated cost and where to purchase would also be extremely helpful :)
Thanks alot!


Active Member
What are you growing in? Soil? Type? How big are your plants after 5 weeks? Type of lights?

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
amazon is good for anything and you can really use any nute line depends on what your looking for in a nute line though


Well-Known Member
At this point i'm happy with just the one lady that continues to look quite fyn ;)
I haven't started any nutes yet with her at all. I think maybe shes newbie-resistant.
On her 7th or 8th healthy node, i think now would be a good time to start.. what should i be feeding at 5 weeks?
SAM_0602.jpgIronic how the one plant I basically left alone is the only one that's growing healthy.

The rest of them are staggering behind at maybe 3-5 nodes with the first 2 or 3 sets of leaves completely removed.
They wilted due to nutrient burn i assumed, rather than to deficiencies. It caused a major growth stunt. :(

I manicured the seedlings 2 days ago by cutting out almost every deficiency. Got sick of looking at sick leaves!
I know the problems will still exist and damage will still occur, but at least they look green now instead of orange.
I will probably regret the decision later on, as this could likely stress or stunt their growth even more. I could care less anymore.
As long as that lady is, in fact a lady, i may end up taking clones off her and then scrapping the others.
I give the scorched ladies 2 more weeks from today, so 7 weeks altogether, to recover. If not, say hello to the compost gentlemen LOL


Active Member
I like dyna grow products. I used fox farms ocean soil which is considered hot so no need for me to feed until week 4/5. I start out 1/4 strength and move up as things progress. And I don't feed every watering. I pretty much start with a water water feed then water feed water as the plant demands more or less.


Active Member
It's not ironic how the one plant you left alone is the healthiest. She is not newbie resistant you were actually being newbie resistant buy not over feeding your young plants. Keep it simple I know at first you want to try and do all this stuff to make them grow. Just let them grow and be patient. Good luck got my fingers crossed she is indeed a lady!


Well-Known Member
a dollar package of 'plant food sticks', About 20-30 sticks in the pack.
I cut up a single stick, into tic tac sized peices and stuck em in different pots.
everything looked fine until a week later, when extreme nutrient burn took place.
Amazing how a tiny, 10 cent mistake could be so detrimental to my seedlings.
In future grows i'll be waiting until they get VERY well established before a begin ANY ferts. :(