Light green spots in leaves


I haven't found an answer on the site yet, so I'm posting this hoping someone knows something and can help, spots appeared this morning, and haven't gotten any bigger



Well-Known Member
You should edit and add some more information.
1. What soil did you use?
2. What light are you using?
3. How often do you water?
4. Do you use tap, bottled or distilled water?
5. Have you begun to use any nutrients yet?


Miracle grow organic mixed with topsoil I picked up from the local nursery, about 30:70 topsoil, because I read miracle grow can burn plants. The plants are 3 weeks old, I just put them under my 600w MH which is 3.5 feet away, temp sits at 77 degrees, and I water every other day, depending on how dry the soil gets, I like to let it dry up nicely. I gave it nutes for the first time yesterday, which were diluted so I don't burn the babies.

I alternate between tap water and distilled usually using tap


Active Member
Any splash on leaves while watering? could be early nute burn. Should probably wipe off splash while they are young and tender lol hope this helps.


Yeah now that you mention it some water did get on a few leaves, is that something it will recover from?


Well-Known Member
Which nutes did you feed, and diluted to what strength?
I've heard of miracle grow being both a successful and detrimental grow medium for seedlings.
Reason being is that some miracle grow soil contains time release nutrients that can cause unexpected nute burn over time.

When using tap water, be sure to allow the water to aerate for at least 24 hours to ensure the chlorine has been eliminated.
Chlorine toxicity can cause bleached spots on leaves.
If this is not the case, you may have burned them with fertilizer.
I'd ease off adding any more ferts until you experience some healthy new growth.

Sadly, the white spots will not change back to green. They will likely worsen over time.
A plant cannot repair the damaged cells, it can only grow new ones.
If the tops of your plant show healthy signs of new growth, it's very likely they'll recover!