Do these look small for being a couple days short of 4 weeks old?


Well-Known Member
i did give advice, i told him he should quit cause he blows. And ill gladly kick a rock at you anyday come on bay mang
Dude can you slap me with your keyboard one more time...I like fuckin moron :clap: guys like you (TROLLS) entertain me immensely.


All you do is cut off the very newest growth or about 80 % for a fim (fuck i missed) that will give you 2 or 4 colas or more in some cases, you wait a couple weeks until your new colas are at a decent length then tie those bad boys down lst style and vioala you you have a little bush which is easy to get very even lighting to all the colas. Now this may be over kill for what your doing but i personally like to do a second fiming/topping on my usally 4 -6 colas a couple days after i start lst and i end up with 10-15 colas with i can lst and keep them all even and fairly short and thick.
All you do is cut off the very newest growth or about 80 % for a fim (fuck i missed) that will give you 2 or 4 colas or more in some cases, you wait a couple weeks until your new colas are at a decent length then tie those bad boys down lst style and vioala you you have a little bush which is easy to get very even lighting to all the colas. Now this may be over kill for what your doing but i personally like to do a second fiming/topping on my usally 4 -6 colas a couple days after i start lst and i end up with 10-15 colas with i can lst and keep them all even and fairly short and thick.
I see, yeah I'm going to probably do this. My plants have been started indoors, but in the next month or less they will be ready to go outside permanently which is what I'm probably going to do. I'd rather keep them bushy, but I'm very hesitant to cut anything off of these because they've been growing so slow and aren't in ideal conditions...


Active Member
a load of shit? if you got a light thats on and off repeatedly getting interupted itll create stress that can turn a plant male, indeed you miss understood or i doubt you woulda opened your mouth.. from what i understood your lighting gets interupted and by that you mean you dont have a set light schedule its just random? i put seedlings under my 600w i didnt mean that to much light makes males that would be a load of shit, but by my experance your gunna want a steady light schedule uninterupted...
What a load of shit this is ^^^^. I guess thats why everyone puts seedlings under 1000 w MH, so they dont TURN male, baaaahahahahaaaaa.

To the OP, yes, they look small and yes its probably because your lights are crappy so get some new ones. 42 watt cfls with a Y splitter, one per plant is the easy and cheap way to go. They might be growing slowly due to over watering too, that would explain the droop. Maybe not though, just a thought.


Well-Known Member
a load of shit? if you got a light thats on and off repeatedly getting interupted itll create stress that can turn a plant male, indeed you miss understood or i doubt you woulda opened your mouth.. from what i understood your lighting gets interupted and by that you mean you dont have a set light schedule its just random? i put seedlings under my 600w i didnt mean that to much light makes males that would be a load of shit, but by my experance your gunna want a steady light schedule uninterupted...
As long as ur plant is not FLOWERING u can switch the lighting schedule every day. Only in FLOWERING is there a NEED for a SET light schedule of 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Growing isn't all that easy, theres under/over watering, under/over fertilizing, not enough/too much light or heat, air flow or humidity.
There are also PH levels and Co2 levels but i don't bother to worry about those, at least not yet.
Bottom line is, you can't just stick plants outside in the middle of no where and come back in three months expecting a monumental yield...
I think the most important part is not only knowledge but time and patience. learning to accept and correct the mistakes you make and bettering yourself along the way.
One does not simply go ahead and tell someone they're bad and they should give up, a helpful individual would offer critique or at least some beneficial constructive criticism!

I'd say they're lookin good for where they're at!
Really the lower growth isn't too important as long as the top growth flourishes because your plant will grow to be an easy 3 feet tall, given time!
If leaves dry up and brown at the tips or anywhere, just clip the brown off and leave the green.
The edge you cut won't brown, and they'll give up on the damaged parts and work their energy upwards.
Remember, you never get a better understanding unless you experiment with different methods. I look forward to seeing updates :)


Well-Known Member
Ok, so these seedlings have been through a lot let me tell you, from needing nutes and starting to yellow on me, to their 24hr light schedule getting constantly interrupted, and a few other minor newbie mistakes, but all in all they are growing right along healthily from what I can see. I think they are pretty small and underdeveloped. Also, on top of my abuse to them, they've had under 70 watts of cfl to grow in, but I have been giving them direct sunlight also during the day.

I'm thinking they're just small because of the terrible lighting, and minor mistakes. What do you guys think?
You might tell us the age if you want an opinion if they're small for the age.:o


Growing isn't all that easy, theres under/over watering, under/over fertilizing, not enough/too much light or heat, air flow or humidity.
There are also PH levels and Co2 levels but i don't bother to worry about those, at least not yet.
Bottom line is, you can't just stick plants outside in the middle of no where and come back in three months expecting a monumental yield...
I think the most important part is not only knowledge but time and patience. learning to accept and correct the mistakes you make and bettering yourself along the way.
One does not simply go ahead and tell someone they're bad and they should give up, a helpful individual would offer critique or at least some beneficial criticism!

I'd say they're lookin good for where they're at!
Really the lower growth isn't too important as long as the top growth flourishes because your plant will grow to be an easy 3 feet tall, given time!
If leaves dry up and brown at the tips or anywhere, just clip the brow off and leave the green.
The edge you cut won't brown, and they'll give up on the damaged parts and work their energy upwards.
Remember, you never get a better understanding unless you experiment with different methods. I look forward to seeing updates :)
Yeah there is a monumental amount that goes into growing GOOD weed with high yields if you just want to expirement not so much just dont expect to get alot if you dont put alot into it also genetics are everything ive gotten good weed out of bagseed but your probably gonna get better results from not so good grow situations and good strain then with bad genetics and good conditions . I agree though knowledge and much patience are key to growing good bud do research and i mean lots and lots and lots dont go with every single thing you hear many of those things are biased look at both sides of every school of thought on growing find what works for you .
You should read up on google on how to grow, seriously its next to impossible to fuck up growing weed. I salute you and many others for accomplishing the impossible. Stick to tomatos buddy

For your first time obviously you did no research, you have no clue what to do, so you come here and post your horrible plant and ask why its so bad. Google is your friend use it
no need for this, growing is easy when you know how and its not that easy to find all the information you need in one place.shouldnt be posting if its not constructive criticism.