Do these look small for being a couple days short of 4 weeks old?

Ok, so these seedlings have been through a lot let me tell you, from needing nutes and starting to yellow on me, to their 24hr light schedule getting constantly interrupted, and a few other minor newbie mistakes, but all in all they are growing right along healthily from what I can see. I think they are pretty small and underdeveloped. Also, on top of my abuse to them, they've had under 70 watts of cfl to grow in, but I have been giving them direct sunlight also during the day.

I'm thinking they're just small because of the terrible lighting, and minor mistakes. What do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
More light, bigger container, less water. You're in the game. Do those 3 things and they will grow a bunch. Color looks good. Better than mine right now. What is your soil?
I'm just using hyponex potting soil with some perlite, and I've been feeding them a little MG plant food... I'm gonna get them bigger pots pretty soon, hopefully I can come up with some more light also. Anyone know a good place to buy a 100-150w cfl that fits a regular ballast? Do they make those?


cfl lights should not require a ballast , should plug straight in to a timer ....hps and mh bulbs need a ballast to regulate the high energy output.
Some people shouldnt be allowed to grow. or get a slap cause how the hell do you fucking up growing weed. some people i swear
This is just an experiment in a closet with some regular cfl's and bagseed for fun. And my first time growing. You should go back to your hole Troll. Some people.
cfl lights should not require a ballast , should plug straight in to a timer ....hps and mh bulbs need a ballast to regulate the high energy output.
Thanks for the help, yeah what I meant was I'm trying to get a big cfl, I'm not sure if they can just screw into a regular socket.
If u have a farm and garden center. They usually have cfl 6500k veg lights. 32w were the ones they had at mine. And I have 42w 2700k ones


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help, yeah what I meant was I'm trying to get a big cfl, I'm not sure if they can just screw into a regular socket.
They do make high wattage CFLs, but something that big will require a mogul type socket, like what hid lights use. I believe you can get a standard to mogul socket adapter, check


CFL lamps usually take a e40 light socket these are normally ceramic wired straight to a plug and into your timer cfl lamps I think go upto 300 w
You should read up on google on how to grow, seriously its next to impossible to fuck up growing weed. I salute you and many others for accomplishing the impossible. Stick to tomatos buddy

For your first time obviously you did no research, you have no clue what to do, so you come here and post your horrible plant and ask why its so bad. Google is your friend use it
Buddy it's very simple to grow weed yeah I know this. Sorry I don't have 400w HPS or CFL's to grow with. I'm using about 50 watts because it's all I can afford. I'm not trying to have some master grow op and cultivation. I use google a lot, and did plenty of research. I was just asking an opinion from someone who isn't a troll and doesn't like hiding in holes, and doesn't mind a little conversation with someone on a forum. You on the other hand would rather just bash someone. I bet you had a guerilla size grow op set up perfect your first time huh? Sorry we can't all be like you!!!
And thanks for all the help with the CFL's guys. I'm debating now weather I just order a couple big ones online, or go to the store and buy a bunch of smaller ones and Y connectors. I think my plants really need the extra light so I'm gonna see what I can come up with for funds to try and improve their conditions.


Well-Known Member
yea your gunna want more lighting and the light shouldnt be interupted or else it can hermie or turn male
What a load of shit this is ^^^^. I guess thats why everyone puts seedlings under 1000 w MH, so they dont TURN male, baaaahahahahaaaaa.

To the OP, yes, they look small and yes its probably because your lights are crappy so get some new ones. 42 watt cfls with a Y splitter, one per plant is the easy and cheap way to go. They might be growing slowly due to over watering too, that would explain the droop. Maybe not though, just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Some people shouldnt be allowed to grow. or get a slap cause how the hell do you fucking up growing weed. some people i swear
Dude, either give some advice or kick fuckin rocks...we're here to help each other you fuckin TROLL...
This is just an experiment in a closet with some regular cfl's and bagseed for fun. And my first time growing. You should go back to your hole Troll. Some people.
Man don't pay attention to TROLLS, their life is usually shit and they come on here and put people down to make their own pathetic existence seem worth while. And you're doing fine, yeah you need more light and with CFLs you wana keep em close. I use alot of 26w 6500k cuz they're small enough to hang right next to the plant w/o burning them, and I use a double 4ft T5 for my top lighting. good luck
Awesome, thanks again guys. I believe they look droopy and floppy right now because I had them outside all day yesterday and it was quite windy but nearly in the 80's. I've been watering about once a day, sometimes less if they aren't as dry. I usually wait until it's nice and dusty on the top the dirt is almost cracking.

I have 2 26w 6500k cfl's and 1 14w 2700k cfl. I'm going to purchase a couple Y splitters and try and get about 5-10 of the biggest CFL's I can find that will screw into a regular socket. But yeah, I figured they were quite small, although over the past few days they have been doing some solid growing throughout the night.

(I put them outside during the daytime light hours and back into my closet with shitty lighting for the night, but they're looking like they grew this morning lol)

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Looks exactly as it should for that age with the lighting you have. I got a few 55w cfl from Walmart for like $9-12 a piece, I think. Go cut some grass and use that money to buy a few. They'll puckerup after that


You need to fim/top those to promote bushiness this will help you make due of the lowlighting situation. Bushy plants allow you to get even light distrubution and a more even canopy of the buds you desire.
You need to fim/top those to promote bushiness this will help you make due of the lowlighting situation. Bushy plants allow you to get even light distrubution and a more even canopy of the buds you desire.
Hmm, haven't looked into anything like this so far. Like I said earlier this is my first time grow, you obviously read because you know I have a terrible light situation. I'll look into FIM/TOP.. I was going to try LST once they got a little bigger. Any good posts/sites or info on fim/top?