newby probs

benton OG

Well-Known Member
its perlite to help water drainage in your soil. Your problems start at the roots, perlite helps water drainage for thicker healthier roots. Mix 80/20 or 70/30 with your soil. Plus the bark in your soil is very acidic.


Well-Known Member
It appears you may own a dwarf. Out of 25 seeds i grew 3 of them.
'Dwarf plants' are what i've been calling them, i'm not sure the scientific term for it..
These plants grow normal at first but appear much smaller than your average plant.
They don't develop complex root systems and 'dampen off' after about a month of trying to grow them.
These 'dwarfs' are 3 weeks old. They grew mutated leaf patterns, and barely any root mass.
They appear to be 'dampening off' already, but i continue to monitor how they'll turn out.
If your plant is only 1 inch in diameter and is on its 3rd set of leaves, chances are its a dud plant.
I'd continue taking good care of it though, because you never know! Hope this helps.


ok, i have no way of getting any anytime soon though, and when putting in the soil i mixed it with black gold cow manure, does that have the same effect as the perlite would have


also as far as being a dwarf idk because it was in a place in my tent where it got significantly less light then my others so i figured thats why it grew so small


Well-Known Member
You can buy top soil that contains perlite, or buy perlite and mix it into the soil.
It helps keep the soil spongy instead of compact, promoting root growth.
I'm not sure about cow manure, i'm sure it contains nutrients but the question is which ones and how much?
What light do you have it under now, and how old is the seedling since it sprouted?
I don't believe young seedlings need nutrients until they become well established.


i starte another today already, and its 17 days in under 1 400 watt mh bulb. now if i get the fox farm soil in the future would i need to add perlite to it. it seems to be recovering quite well from the nute burn