How long for veg and flower?


Well-Known Member
I'm new to growing and i have gotten mixed information on how long to veg and flower.
Typically, I consider veg begins the moment the seed pops out of the dirt.

Is there a certain height you should grow to, or a certain time period in days or weeks?
Should you wait until a certain number of nodes have grown?

Or should you wait until the calyx shows before force flowering?

Let's say I have an Indica that is 7 weeks old and 11 nodes (maybe 12" tall).
Had originally planned to veg for 4 months and flower for 2.
Does that sound logical? What's your typical flowering schedule?


Well-Known Member
I veg till my shortest plant hits 18" so usually 5-6 weeks.
Vegging is all personnel preferance based on how much room and time u have plus how big or small of a yield you want.
Ur not going to start flowering a 10" plant if u want a 6oz yield and your not gonna veg to 20" when the highest u can grow is 30".......


Well-Known Member
A lot of people say that the first week or whatever is seedling stage and don't count it, then after that is veg. Like you, when I say 8 weeks old, that's from the day it popped the soil. There's no right or wrong. not much happens in the first couple weeks anyway. I don't think height has got much to do with maturity when a plant can stretch to heights when the lights is insufficient or too far away. My plants were only about 14-16 inches at flip but well over a foot wide with 20-25 tops. I'd say a good guide as when to start flowering would be preflowers and/or alternate nodes/branching.


Well-Known Member
Veg doesn't really start until a week or so after you plant the seed but I still include the seedling stage in the veg stage when I refer to my plants. You can veg them for as long as you want. It depends on how large your space is, how much light you have ect. Flower, you flower them until they are mature, you want as many cloudy trichomes as possible. Don't rely on what the breeder says, it's usually longer but not by much.


i veg mine about 6wk ,cos they r always clones from previous crop,,take maybe 1wk 2 root,,then i CFL em 4 further 2 wk ,,then str8 under a600w duel spec hps,,top or fim them,,wait for new growth 2 kick off ,, take my cuttings ,then turn to 12/12 ,,job done (HYPERTHETICALLY) u cn veg a plant 4 a week ,or a year if u want ,,it depends on ur grow space..erm, + Every different plant or strain has different flowering times,, from 7- 12 wk,, maybe more, i look in2 plant flowering times b4 i get ,,coz obv ,u want quik as poss ,yeh,,hope this help,,good luck dude..


Active Member
Yep- lots of good info there!

a "Seedling" is from seed to when the plant gets it's 3rd set of leaves- then it is a "vegging" plant.
Depending on what strain it is- you can veg as long as you want to get the biggest plant you can, or go 12/12 early to control the height/size of a strain know to get big or stretch in flower...
Most people veg at least 5 weeks and up to 3 months...

the amount of flowering is NOT up to you... it is dependant entirely on what strain the seeds are.
Once you go into 12/12- it can take a seed plant from 1-5 weeks to start to flower, depending on what strain it is and how long you vegged it.

Once a plant starts to form small clusters of hairs- it is officially Flowering-- if all you see is a calyx here and there- it is just 'pre-sexing"

You need to know what strain you are growing-- some pure Indica strains only go 45-55 days , some mixed-strains go 60-80 days and some pure Sativas go 120 days or more!!! BIG differences there kiddo! GO by what the breeder info for that strain suggests... a good place to find the needs of ANY strain by ANY breeder is and just use the alphabetical listings to find what you are growing. the info is there!
Have fun! Good Luck on your grow!


Well-Known Member
Veg doesn't really start until a week or so after you plant the seed but I still include the seedling stage in the veg stage when I refer to my plants. You can veg them for as long as you want. It depends on how large your space is, how much light you have ect. Flower, you flower them until they are mature, you want as many cloudy trichomes as possible. Don't rely on what the breeder says, it's usually longer but not by much.
That above is the correct answer....
Veg grow them as big as you want...the longer in veg, the stronger the roots = more yield
In Flower they will stretch, any where from 15% to 50% keep that in mind if you have height limits...
If you LST the stretch will be less problematic...
Read this:
for when to harvest the correct way, every time...
Good Luck man....


Well-Known Member
Wow everyone had great answers thanks for the info! :)
I plan to wait for alternating nodes, and about 45% of the height of my grow space
At this rate its been 7 weeks in total. So, 2 weeks as seedlings and 5 weeks into vegging :)


Well-Known Member
SAM_0702.jpgJust an update on the trees.
It's been another week. the 5 stand an average height of around 13inches (just over a foot)
8 weeks old from the moment they sprouted :)

The one on the very right, fell off and the stem snapped. i kind of just tugged it up straight and hoped for the best.
Fortunately it 'super-cropped', created a ball of scar tissue where the plant successfully repaired itself.
SAM_0704.jpgit looks a little odd, but apparently the plant is stronger now than before the incident occurred.
It continues to show healthy growth at the top, and it's almost like the drop caused the internal growth to shoot up:P