indoor to outdoor?


Well-Known Member
Have some seedlings that i need to move outside into the ground.
Not sure if they are ready, but it is a must. =[
How old should a plant be before you move it outdoors?
If you've given 24/0, is it bad to place them out in a natural light cycle?

SAM_0636.jpg SAM_0637.jpg SAM_0656.jpg
A few of the seedlings continue to show signs of a nutrient burn sort-of deficiency, progressing even in new growth.

With this post i also bring some good news. =)
Most of the seedlings that were trimmed of their deficiencies have begun recovery!
They appear to be growing regardless of their missing and trimmed leaves.
RESULT>>>SAM_0643.jpg 80% are on the way to a speedy recovery =) SAM_0650.jpg Will they make it outdoors?


Well-Known Member
slowly get them outside, a few hrs at a time each day then after a week you can keep em outside and the wont have any problems.


Well-Known Member
BUMP.. at first i didn't plan to top or LST, but i have debated on experimenting with them.
This arises 2 new questions i need answers for:
Should i top this plant at the 4th or 5th node? consider that the true leaves have wilted off.
SAM_0661.jpgwhere should i top it, or do you think i even should try and top it?
Question #2, LST, I want to wrap a plant around its pot by tying it down.
I did the first step, half-a$$ed i might add.. with lose shoe lace ;)
Rather than have a giant that would need its own light source, I bent it down a little.
Despite how it appears, it was easy yet required me to mess with the stem a little.
I'll check on it soon and show you whats happening with it :p [those poor fan leaves :(]
What else could i use to tie it down with besides string? eventually i want a spiral of a plant ;P


Well-Known Member
bumpidy bump bump it's been 9 days since my last post in this thread
Take a look above. I newbishly started LST- step 1 of a plant that was getting a little too tall.
after 9 days, here's how shes doing now:
note the new growth at each node
shes certainly getting bushier.

As for topping- decided to wait a little and decide which chutes i want to continue as tops.
I'll keep updated.. let me know what you think of the 9 days of growth?

As for my other ladies...
they missed a watering due to being away, so a few of the bottom leaves suffered a little.
Fortunately, they are growing strong overall and i'd imagine the drought did the roots some good. (almost 60hrs without water) ..oops!
Here they are: SAM_0673.jpg 9 days has taken a toll on them as-well ;)

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
slowly get them outside, a few hrs at a time each day then after a week you can keep em outside and the wont have any problems.
yup...get them used to the sun.....a few hours, then progress with more hours...just watch them, if they droop they are overwhelmed by the sun