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  1. S

    99 Problems and they all b*tches..

    Happy to hear that once the leaves get damaged, that they will not 'come back to life'. I was getting sick of watching the burns worsen, the leaves wilt more and more with no sign of improvements. So i went a little... 'trim happy' today.. I know it appears i've massacred an army, but all these...
  2. S

    99 Problems and they all b*tches..

    I over fertilized with plant food sticks that were high in nitrates. To compensate, i bought new dirt that is all purpose, no nutes. High in organic elements with a mix of sphagnum moss and perlite. I rinsed the roots off and replanted in the new soil in an attempt to save the plants. The tops...
  3. S

    Plant rust?

    J/w, what could be the cause of rust spots on leaves? Maybe 3 dots of a dark rusty orange on each leaf of some of my seedlings. Could it be a deficiency to potassium? Heat stress? Ph? I circled the spots.
  4. S

    Droopy leaves on one of my seedlings

    Haha dumbo plant ;) Maybe just press the dirt lightly at the tips of the leaves, or move the dirt so there's no contact. i cant imagine it's good for a leaf to be touching wet soil, the tips may yellow or curl, but i have no backup info to base on that idea. She could be just fine. ;) Its...
  5. S

    Pot Size :: Plant Size Ratio

    hey! You can grow to this point: (5th node) in a 10cm wide container 7cm deep and still not become fully root bound, but this is when i'd use a 15cm pot. However, i've seen plants go much further in even smaller containers, so i think root mass may depend entirely on strain, not only the soil...
  6. S

    first grow, need help!

    It's been a few days and the nute burned gals have lost more leaves. The tops continue to show healthy growth but will probably need 2 weeks or so to recover, i'll update on them when their time comes. However, quite happy with the growth of my other ladies, they are healthy as can be and...
  7. S

    Week 1 Seedlings

    Hey dude check out my first grow. I'm currently in my 4th week, only 4 plants are where they should be. I over fertlized and they all started to die/burn at 2.5 weeks and it stunted growth, but if you are curious check out my pics :)...
  8. S

    first grow, need help!

    My soil is/was very dense. Many plants, when i replanted them, have already developed complex root systems that approach the sides of the containers. Other plants have only small root masses, and as you said, i believe the soil was a big problem. I went out and got new all purpose soil, it...
  9. S

    first grow, need help!

    Thanks for the advice! Bigger pots aren't logical for me until the 'girls' get big enough that i can decide which ones i want to keep. As for soil, i picked up an all purpose bag without fertilizer in it, yet 'high in organic materials'. It's better dirt, but certainly not as good as vortex or...
  10. S

    first grow, need help!

    Thanks for the tips. I agree those dollar-store plant food sticks were a bad idea. I read somewhere that during veg growth nitrogen is very important, and the sticks were full of nitrates! However, these are still seedlings.. and don't really need nutes.. i just thought i'd try something new to...
  11. S

    first grow, need help!

    A bump as well as an update. HAPPY 4/20 :) Today is Week 3 Day 3 of the grow. I am worried as the majority of the plants look a little lets say, underdeveloped. Also, many of the plants continue to show more dying leaves. :cry::cry::cry::cry: Some of the leaves have become bone dry...
  12. S

    first grow, need help!

    The theory that water droplets concentrate the light and burn holes is generally bullshit. It might happen I guess if you had intense light, but if you got any airflow going your leaves are going to be dry in 15 minutes anyway. Making them paper dry and wilted is also BS, it hydrates the leaves...
  13. S

    first grow, need help!

    so i'm new here, and i've browsed many grows in forums that have turned out great with the help of others. that's why i'm here. to share my newbie experience. accidentally posted in journals and got no response, and the plants are going slightly worse, so i hope to get some new ideas...
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    my first grow. need help!

    could someone explain how to delete a thread?
  15. S

    Starting My First Indoor Grow - Part 1 - Germinating Experiments

    i started a week ago. this thread excites me.