Pot Size :: Plant Size Ratio

Hey guys, I'm back again. Had a couple questions, mainly I'm wondering, when should I be moving my plants from their party cups to something bigger? And what's the best way to do this without hurting them? Just had a small issue with one plant, the dirt I used for one of the seedlings was too thick and didn't have anything to loosen it up. So I took it out to mix it, and I had a hard time getting all the dirt out, and accidentally ripped off some of the roots that were at the bottom. And the reason I ask is the roots were at the very bottom of the cup and looked a little cramped. When do you usually re-pot them to something bigger? And do you think my seedling will be ok after I killed some of the roots? (Wasn't too bad, but some lower extensions got ripped off)
The one on the left there was the one I replanted. She was doing the best.. Biggest, greenest leafs, and she started to look droopy yesterday morning. She only looked worse today, and her soil seemed more dense, so I mixed it down a little with perlite and woodchips. I'm hoping that was the problem, all the others have been mixed down already, but she was doing well so I didn't touch her... Guess she needed to be mixed up a little, lol.


Well-Known Member
Re-pot once you have to water every day, or every other day. Up size to one gallon. Ripping roots is called trimming roots.
Don't sweat ripping the roots a little. Cannabis is a vigorous plant and those roots will grow right back.
Let those develop a few more sets of leaves before transplanting.
Ideally you want the roots to fill out the cup without allowing it to go rootbound.
As someone said earlier, a good way to tell is when you are struggling to keep the medium moist.
Then pop it out of the cup and put into a 2g or right into a 3g for flowering.
Looking good! Keep going!


Well-Known Member
hey! You can grow to this point: (5th node) SAM_0585.jpg in a 10cm wide container 7cm deep and still not become fully root bound, but this is when i'd use a 15cm pot.
However, i've seen plants go much further in even smaller containers, so i think root mass may depend entirely on strain, not only the soil.
2012-04-25 20.01.24.jpg
A good indicator of being root bound is when roots begin to grow up into the surface of the dirt or through the bottom drain holes of the cup.


Well-Known Member
Tearing, ripping, breaking a root off, is like if you pinched a branch end off...
Two new roots will exit root break...
In long run, it will help plant, no worries....
Good Luck growing!!
Thanks to all of you for the helpful responses. I figured as much week 2 or 3 being a good time to repot them.

And Gandalf, I've been watering every 24-36 hrs, about a shot glass or two worth of water. Then repeating. I'm going to try and wait as long as possible this time, maybe 48 hrs.

And anyone have any idea what might be going on with that one on the left? Is she ok? Are her leaves just droopy cuz their so much bigger than all the others? I thought it was maybe cuz her soil was so dense, so I changed it, but this morning her leaves are almost touching the dirt! Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
With the solo cups you should be able to squeeze the top sides to get a little peak at the deeper soil to see if you are running up to the edge. Should give you an idea of how much root density you have, but I also like the watering frequency method mentioned above.
Cool, so I shouldn't be too worried about letting them be dry on the top for a little. Get those roots moving.

Still curious about my dark green girl on the left, she's really droopy this morning... Anything I should be worried about?


Well-Known Member
You can also use a clear SOLO cup inside a colored one, all you have to do is lift clear cup out too see the root zone. It would be cool to do the same in a bigger pot as well , hey some one invent a clear 5 gallon bucket liner with handles.

But what the hell do I know I am just stoner