Droopy leaves on one of my seedlings

All of the 4 other are looking good, and this one was looking the best, with the biggest leaves a couple days ago, but the leaves have been getting droopy and are now hitting the dirt with the tips.. Is this just a floppy leafed plant cuz they're so big or is something wrong?? You can see her in two differnt pics she's the dark green one with the big leafs, obviously...lol help please!!



Well-Known Member
Haha dumbo plant ;) Maybe just press the dirt lightly at the tips of the leaves, or move the dirt so there's no contact.
i cant imagine it's good for a leaf to be touching wet soil, the tips may yellow or curl, but i have no backup info to base on that idea. She could be just fine. ;)
Its normal for the leaves to droop after a watering, but they should perk back up as the soil drys.
Don't stress too much on the first sets. They act as solar panels during early stages of growth, but are first to die off during the last stages.
They look good to me man! stems stretch in seedlings due to insufficient lighting, so it seems you've provided them with enough light. :)
The more leaves that grow, the more light the plant can utilize, causing it to produce more leaves. It's a fun cycle to witness!
The leaves that are growing now usually come out 3 pointed, and it's very rewarding to see. Keep us updated! :)


Well-Known Member
Perhaps a slight over watering. I notice that you have cut bottles to make pots, did you put holes in the bottom for drainage?
Yes they have two decent size holes on either side of the cups, the drainage is no problem, and they all get the exact same amount of water every 2 days or so.. She's been drying out the past 2 days hopefully she perks back up a little, was pushing to almost 72 hours to water them again to see if that's the problem. Her soil was a little dense too, so I added more perlite. That could have maybe been part of it?


Well-Known Member
they all get the exact same amount of water every 2 days or so.. She's been drying out the past 2 days hopefully she perks back up a little, was pushing to almost 72 hours to water them again to see if that's the problem. Her soil was a little dense too, so I added more perlite. That could have maybe been part of it?
Seedlings need special care, and misting of soil, and each little plant is DIFFERENT... You must give water when the plants need it, not on a schedule at this stage...

You prob let soil get to dry... 72 hours... You solved your own problem...
Good job, and Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Yes, and your soil is prob too dense... Seedlings need for the first two weeks of their lives, special soil, and special watering, and special care , not leaving them for 72 hours...
Seedling soil to give you a better live rate=
30% Vermiculite/30 % Perilite/30% seedling soil.... Next time you'll not have this problem...
Well it hasn't been 72 hours yet, and thank you for informing me. I have been trying to give them special care. They are looking kinda dry on the top as of this morning, it's been about 40 hours since they last got water. I never went that long before, so still I don't know that water was the issue. I think it was the soil density, and I mixed it a little so it should be better. I think that's how I killed another one. But she was doing so well, guess lesson learned, it's my first time and this is merely an experiment... Hopefully she pulls through, her other leaves are still growing and looking bigger... Maybe she will just be floppy, but she is definately still growing! Thanks for all the help everyone!


Well-Known Member
Yes they have two decent size holes on either side of the cups, the drainage is no problem, and they all get the exact same amount of water every 2 days or so.. She's been drying out the past 2 days hopefully she perks back up a little, was pushing to almost 72 hours to water them again to see if that's the problem. Her soil was a little dense too, so I added more perlite. That could have maybe been part of it?
As someone else has said, soil density can be a problem, sometimes the roots struggle to push through and use energy they wouldn't usually use, that could force them to suffer in growth and stunt them.