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  1. mamahippy

    Theoretical marijuana transfer, question??? Any lawyers in the house?

    :lol:laugh i thought i'd die-die, you'd have to bury me, bury me in the ground,ground got worms,worms they tickle,laugh i thought i die,die you'd have to bury me bury me in the ground,ground got worms-----:smile:
  2. mamahippy

    Any hunters on here?

    i am a hunter! i was born and raised a city(detroit)girl. thought hunters were horrible. but my third husband and i were split up for awhile-got back together and we do everything together. he is a hunter-never had a hunter in my life before. well since we do everything together i wanted...
  3. mamahippy

    what is your earliest memory?

    standing next to my daddy at the neighborhood bar and he gives me a drink of beer and everyone there thought that was just the cutest damn thing. stupid asses.
  4. mamahippy


    :shock:i hate water!! do not like to drink it or be on it. BUT i do enjoy a nice hot shower and i gotta have my ice cubes!
  5. mamahippy

    who do you love the most?

    ever been in love? i am crazy in love you would be to if you knew him...anyways certain meds gets me going on and on..
  6. mamahippy

    is there anything special you like to do after you medicate-and you are feeling

    and you are feeling alright? i like to 4-wheel,people watch(hilarious)play mario,walk in woods-spend time with mother nature, when you are feeling good everything is GOOD. i recently had some medication that had me feeling 20 years younger. i wasn't fucked up-but was "mellow" and i didn't...
  7. mamahippy

    granny--tried to pm you--it is FULL you need to empty it! mamahippy

    granny--tried to pm you--it is FULL you need to empty it! mamahippy
  8. mamahippy

    How bad did i do

    hang out on riu. read,read,read,ask questions,whatever it takes...were you expecting to be an expert gardener first time out? lol read,listen,learn good luck
  9. mamahippy

    Gf good at rollin

    i used to roll the joints all the time...but as years roll hands won't do it anymore. we smoke bowls.
  10. mamahippy

    any hobbies? crack me up
  11. mamahippy

    who do you love the most?

    i love my husband the mostest!!! he lies alot and says he loves me the most but i love him more cause i love him the mostest!!! and you can't love more than that!! lmfao
  12. mamahippy

    are there words of wisdom you live by?

    my dad used to say "learn something every day" myn mom used to say"made your bed now lay in it" i sometimes like "what goes around comes around" i love "hug a moose"
  13. mamahippy

    a few favorite things

    just to shoot the shit name a few of your favorite things, moose--family--medicine--snow--winter--the color black--grandkids--4-wheeling--hiking--crafts--kittys--dogs--hash--the#13--cooking--and riu
  14. mamahippy

    Friends and family

    MAJOR dysfunct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. mamahippy

    any hobbies?

    i am into arts and crafts-just set up "sewing-craft"room! wondering what other stoners enjoy doing! i also love to 4-wheel! i like to cook,garden,grandkids,holidays,and nature! of course i love to medicate. love to play mario when stoned! cannot play it straight...the more medicated the...
  16. mamahippy

    Share your dreams / nightmares.

    lots of people dream of loved ones that have passed on. gosh! i wish i could . my son commited suicide in 1994-i went to meetings for people that have lost loved ones etc. lots of people there actually dreamt of their loved ones-oh! i wanted to dream of him! but instead the women i...
  17. mamahippy

    Who are you?

    your'e a poet and your feet show it lmao
  18. mamahippy

    Who are you?

    any relation to will i am? who am i? i am dojas mom
  19. mamahippy

    :peace::smile:another granny? wow yes we do have to stick together...

    :peace::smile:another granny? wow yes we do have to stick together. oh---correction-not-another granny-it should of read another COOL granny!!! that's right! cool grannys unite! many grandkids? 6 for us. my eyesight isn't what it nused to be---is that a cat in your avatar...
  20. mamahippy

    What do you wear to bed

    :shock: :lol:funny stuff