is there anything special you like to do after you medicate-and you are feeling


Active Member
and you are feeling alright? i like to 4-wheel,people watch(hilarious)play mario,walk in woods-spend time with mother nature, when you are feeling good everything is GOOD. i recently had some medication that had me feeling 20 years younger. i wasn't fucked up-but was "mellow" and i didn't HURT. everyones dream come true.


Well-Known Member
I get stuff done. I smoke and i remember to do all the things ive been puting off for days lol it reminds me that i dont have time to sit around and work, i need to get up and work :):):)


New Member
I love to go on a mad munchy hunt after smoking , even though I know I wont find anything new in my kitchen .. The hunt is still fun no matter ..

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
Chiropractor. Getting super baked and getting aligned is one of the most euphoric things in the world. IMO of course. Also wake boarding, snowboarding.


Well-Known Member
Chiropractor. Getting super baked and getting aligned is one of the most euphoric things in the world. IMO of course. Also wake boarding, snowboarding.

"Chiropractor. Getting super baked and getting aligned is one of the most euphoric things in the world."

Makes sense. Massages feel very good whilst baked, so I would imagine a good adjustment would be similar.

Good stuff!


Well-Known Member
swimming can be quite euphoric like your a little kid again.. i wish i could ride my atv after but its just not in the cards i would hate to make a mistake and ruin a race bike