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  1. mamahippy

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    exactly--if nothing is going on for the day--sometimes---even if there is something going on(helps):weed:
  2. mamahippy

    Remember kids!!!!!!

    :finger:you have got to be kidding! keep that kind of thinking in jamaica.....mon!
  3. mamahippy

    How many hits do you take?

    i like to take a few hits(maybe 3-4)and get some things done-go on break-few more hits -go get some things done and so forth. but that is just me. lol
  4. mamahippy

    Fish On!

    wishing everyone good luck fishing!!! here's a little something to lighten the mood. a stoner wants about ice fishing. so he gathers all the necessary equipment and goes to the nearest frozen ice. about 20 feet out he cuts a hole in the ice,"there's no fish in there"booms a voice. the...
  5. mamahippy

    why did the pothead cross the road?

    because there was no other way to get back to where he came from...he couldn't even remember why he,in fact'd crossed the road in the first place,in fact,he didn't even remember,by the time he reached the center line,which direction he came from and which direction he was going,so he just...
  6. mamahippy

    joint,bowl,bong or vaporizer--how do you smoke it?

    i am real curious. my husband and i smoke it in a bowl. we have two vaporizers but we didn't care for them. neither one of us is any good at rolling. but it seems like smoking it like we do is making us cough like you wouldn't believe. i know our coughing is due to ill health,but smoking a...
  7. mamahippy

    Stoner dictonary

    thanks for that bro! lid!!!! haven't heard nthat in years- used to be getting a lid,or half a lid etc. exactly how much did a lid weigh? thanks for the memory lol mama
  8. mamahippy

    The ultimate fuckup

    i just replied to your post about you going ice skating and then i came back to the beginning of thread(i forgot why!(lol))) but you mention in this statement that you have an ice rink where your flowering plants used to that where you are going to skate? lol
  9. mamahippy

    The ultimate fuckup

    ;-) you go guy! can't wait for pics. wow ice skating---i am 60 ad have NEVER ice skated in my life. roller skated-yes then you will feel refreshed and more able to deal with the problem at hand. enjoy the ice.
  10. mamahippy

    The ultimate fuckup

    i yoosta be a yooper! i agree! u.p. is great.but you know what i think i'd even take the negatives for a while-bundle the nhell up and enjoy! sorry about your loss must of been devastating. good luck mama
  11. mamahippy

    Compensation from patients

    if you r tired of tired-ass threads maybe you should go read and post elsewhere, stop your bitching
  12. mamahippy

    w/c is better? to trim first before or after drying?

    i have only trimmed 3 times. i trimmed after. but after reading all this i think i will try to trim before. thanks i needed a boost to change it. i'm game.
  13. mamahippy

    my best grow yet

    i guess you can teach an old hippy new tricks! lol lol i crack myself up sometimes.
  14. mamahippy

    Talking to your Plants

    i any relation to will i am? lol
  15. mamahippy

    Fat Purple - Grow On! Thread.

    hope you feel better. thank you so much for helping oldest with his crop. take care
  16. mamahippy

    drinking and driving is fun

  17. mamahippy

    my best grow yet

    real good job!! especially after all the crap they went through-with moving them and them freezing...anyways good job. i'm proud of you. i'm the one that doesn't MIND trimming,,,and i will stick with trimming "ours"and if i need something to do(LOL)(LIKE THAT"S EVER GONNA...
  18. mamahippy


    i plain-ass enjoy smoking. been smoking for almost 50 years-quit one time for about 2 years!!!-but back to smoking over one pack a day-i'd say i smoke close to 2 packs actually. i know it is bad for me and everyone else and it's dirty etc etc etc. i enjoy it too much to think of quitting...
  19. mamahippy

    What is your favorite TV show right now?

    i USED to watch tv ALL the time. i'd plan my day around tv. it was better than dealing with problems,dealing with life on lifes terms. got down on luck for a bit and during that down period i found peace with shit i was pretty old to be finding peace within myself-50ishor so...
  20. mamahippy

    Before you smoked weed?

    i started when i was about 19. before that the thought scared me. i was a teenager during the 60's! the hippie era! was great but i was too young to run off to woodstock,but it sure was interesting to see 60's i think it must of been 1971 when i first tried it. before i did-lol-i went...