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  1. mamahippy

    Michigan Medical Marijuana Act & Rules

    could you do that in cheboygan? mamahippy
  2. mamahippy

    A sad moment to share ...

    so sorry 13man r.i.p. walker! he's in doggie heaven-protecting Gods crops! r.i.p
  3. mamahippy

    We need some help with PTSD in Michigan

    do not have to be a veteran of war to have ptsd! i am female -not veteran-have ptsd. trauma=ptsd(sometimes) my oldest son committed suicide-i was abused for years and years. certain sounds sights or even smells can cause me to freak out. my current husband has his card and his medicine...
  4. mamahippy

    This just in: Twinkies are no more!

    i think i've heard someone bought hosytess and we will have our beloved twinkies back. did i hear right?
  5. mamahippy

    What would you like to do if money were no object?

    :hug:well...i'd be one happy camper! i don't think i'd change my lifestyle much,but it would be great not to worry about paying any bills-seeing something i want and frickin get it,and last but not least i'd use up all my coupons! most coupons are for brands or more expensive stuff so i just...
  6. mamahippy

    Happy New Year

    :lol::clap:you are so right-bright brand new beginning! happy new years eve everyone! let's all hope we all feel better in 2013! lucky "13":peace:
  7. mamahippy

    Any TGA nerds out there in MI?

    i really like the sound of willie nelson! cleaned the whole house? wow yep that's sounding real good! thanks for that tip!:smile::hug:
  8. mamahippy

    detroit lions

    lol merry Christmas!
  9. mamahippy

    Merry Christmas

    a very merry Christmas everyone!
  10. mamahippy

    Any TGA nerds out there in MI?

    :hug:merriest of holidays to everyone!!!!
  11. mamahippy

    :clap:happy holiday's hope to hear from you soon about our holidays:hug::cool::grin:

    :clap:happy holiday's hope to hear from you soon about our holidays:hug::cool::grin:
  12. mamahippy


    :peace:is everyone ready to celebrate ? wow Christmas is coming real fast! hope everyone stays safe!!! happy holidays to everyone!
  13. mamahippy


  14. mamahippy


    i love holidays. happy medicating!
  15. mamahippy


  16. mamahippy


    :grin:i hope everyone has very SAFE holidays! are you ready? we are almost done and gonna sit back and bongsmilieand wait
  17. mamahippy

    Deleting Profile I have something to say.

    :lol:jthat cracked me up-very cute happy thanksgiving! i'm glad we are friends. i'm starting to get to know people. that's cool.
  18. mamahippy


    :lol:last night while watching the world news- they hadf on about hostess shutting down -or some kind shit- i really don't know what cause we were laughing so hard-i said i bet "rollitup"is picketing! i'll be damned if they didn't show a shot from the air where there were wbout 20 people or so...
  19. mamahippy

    thanks giving

    :hug:a very happy thanksgiving everyone! i have so much to be thankful for! and a special happy thanksgiving to gladstoned and belle isle! hope the lions win!:clap: