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  1. mamahippy

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    random stuff huh? ok-it's spring according to our calendars-would someone please tell mother nature it IS spring--send in the robins!!!
  2. mamahippy

    happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear belleisle,happy birthday to you!

    happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear belleisle,happy birthday to you!
  3. mamahippy

    What's For Dinner Tonight?

    happy st. patrick's day everyone! tonight we are going to have corned beef-red potatoes-cabbage and carrots yum
  4. mamahippy

    Are people inherently good?

    been torn between the two-all my life!
  5. mamahippy

    looking for any type of work???? PLZ help no bad talk

    good God-everyday i wonder how some people can actually keep their jobs!!! take WEATHERBUG for instance-we have weatherbug come on the computer when we turn it on-it tells local weather-todays high will be 29-right now it is 32!! how does that figure? everyday something in it is fucked up...
  6. mamahippy

    Dd you get run down from smoking?

    use it as night meds!
  7. mamahippy

    What's For Dinner Tonight?

    tonight we are going to have-deep fried butterfly shrimp and fries!!! and today i am also making "special"chocolate chip cookies! yum!
  8. mamahippy


    i'm liking a craft-sewing room i just fixed up. it's great. very comfy and i know where everything is. it's MY place. love it
  9. mamahippy


    that looks real comfy and cozy!
  10. mamahippy

    medical field

    i believe you are right-these frickin doctors are in school along time learning how to dodge questions-and now they come into the room with their computers-ass-hole doctor was on it for awhile-my guess he was on roll it up(wish he was that cool)(lol) they truly know how to dodge and pills are...
  11. mamahippy

    Games you've spent >1000 hours playing

    holy shit! that's one heelva of alot of frickin' games--when do you have time to go potty-gotta take a shit don't hold it in that is not healthy! have fun!
  12. mamahippy

    Games you've spent >1000 hours playing

    it's crazy i know but hubby and i are addicted to playing super mario bros.....wii can't play when we are straight---hell no the more fucked up we are the better we play. it's kinda hilarious actually- we damn near beat bowswers ass when we had some hash!!! damn i was good. lol...
  13. mamahippy

    Do you trim first, or dry first?

    we hang ours to dry first--then trim into the jars and be sure to open jars daily for awhile to complete the drying--good job---smoke away--you deserve it.:weed::clap::cool:
  14. mamahippy

    medical field

    i am finished with doctors!!! i am not in the best of health(i am 60 years old) but i am more concerned about my hubby right now!!! ok...brief history he has-mar frans disease--barretts disease-has had open heart surgery-toe operated on(bone fused together)arthertis-had car fall on...
  15. mamahippy

    New Toker to the site

    :grin:welcome. you will learn alot here. learn and enjoy. entertained while learning-it's a great concept. welcome!
  16. mamahippy

    What's For Dinner Tonight?

    tonights dinner is gonna be:salad,burgers with bacon and cheddar,and a pasta salad.
  17. mamahippy

    The Sex Talk Thread

    you guys are going about it all wrong.................
  18. mamahippy

    The Jeep Thread

    love to ba-ja
  19. mamahippy

    granny---i do not believe this i wrote a very long private message i mean a long one---it...

    granny---i do not believe this i wrote a very long private message i mean a long one---it disappeared again. wtf????????????????????