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  1. Urca

    Dave Chappelle is hilarious holy shit im laughing so hard
  2. Urca

    Dave Chappelle is hilarious btw i didnt post this to be offensive but holy shit this is funny. wish he still had a show, but good for him for not selling out
  3. Urca

    Insomniacs Unite!!!!

    Yes, it is. And Im miserable and sleepy, but I only have two more pages to go.
  4. Urca

    Insomniacs Unite!!!!

    up writing an essay that is due at 9:30. I feel the urge to smoke and to stay awake until I get home from class tomorrow. If I go to bed now, I will not finish my essay nor will I be able to wake up for my class. So I guess Im choosing to be an insomniac tonight
  5. Urca

    Did I do the wrong thing? Worried sick

    lol ive never even had a boyfriend, i have no clue what love is
  6. Urca

    Did I do the wrong thing? Worried sick

    i know, thats why i make sure i dont say i love him and tell myself that i dont. he already told me he doesnt love me, so why would i love him?
  7. Urca

    Did I do the wrong thing? Worried sick

    not being in love doesnt mean you dont care deeply for them. i mean, sometimes i think "wow, maybe i love this guy" but you cant love someone who you arent dating or seeing alot.
  8. Urca

    Did I do the wrong thing? Worried sick

    i never said i loved this guy
  9. Urca

    Did I do the wrong thing? Worried sick

    i cant help but have hope though.
  10. Urca

    Did I do the wrong thing? Worried sick

    i cant make any promises about my actions. unfortunately.
  11. Urca

    Did I do the wrong thing? Worried sick

    i only did what i did so that I wouldnt break down and try to reach him. I dont want him gone from my life, but I dont have the willpower to not to try to communicate with him. So Im waiting for him to talk to me. I really hope he wants to keep talking to me. He is a good guy, just hasnt been...
  12. Urca

    Did I do the wrong thing? Worried sick

    ive only been with one guy, kissed one guy, etc. no one else except for this dude. please dont insinuate that im some kind of whore
  13. Urca

    Did I do the wrong thing? Worried sick

    idk, i mean he does genuinely show care and concern for me, but thats rare to happen unless we're hanging out, then he's all cuddles and kisses and yeah... its confusing. or out of the blue he'll just call me to talk, but then i wont hear from him for forever.
  14. Urca

    Did I do the wrong thing? Worried sick

    he says im the only chick he's been with sexually since we started up back on may first... idk i trust him, i just hate feeling like im not important to him until Im actually spending time with him.
  15. Urca

    Did I do the wrong thing? Worried sick

    why so mean? im sitting in tears over here
  16. Urca

    Did I do the wrong thing? Worried sick

    its just so hard because I do care alot and there's times he shows me that he cares, but being blown off and ignored for 4-5 days at a time then getting a single text then blown off again really hurts. I mean, i try so hard to be the right kind of girl, I want to have some effort on his part too
  17. Urca

    Did I do the wrong thing? Worried sick

    Ive mentioned the fwb dude on here several times. well over the last few months he blows me off ALOT. and im sick of it, have talked to him about it several times, nothing worked. Anywho I also realized I was being kind of needy, and I only send him one text a day, if he doesnt reply I dont try...
  18. Urca

    Why do little kids tug at the heartstrings so much?

    that post is amazing
  19. Urca

    Why do little kids tug at the heartstrings so much?

    if only that were an option
  20. Urca

    Why do little kids tug at the heartstrings so much?

    damn so eloquent. :p