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  1. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    Kuroi, i didnt say what I said to shame you, Im just worried one day you'll try to get a wondeful job but they'll find your ass and such all over the internet. (its a nice ass though, im jealous, I got NO ASS). We all do things when we're hurting and vulnerable. Shit I'd problably still be...
  2. Urca

    Death Row last meal, what are you eating??

    it just seemed so out of the blue. sorry
  3. Urca

    Death Row last meal, what are you eating??

    :( uncool man.
  4. Urca

    Death Row last meal, what are you eating??

    p.s why are you being so mean? i really didnt mean anything by it
  5. Urca

    Death Row last meal, what are you eating??

    ive already answered on what I would eat. A sampler of all my favorite foods I have ever tried, pink lemonade, etc. I want a little bit of everything
  6. Urca

    How can the federal government raid state authorized dispensaries?

    its not about them punishing us, its about losing stability, endangering everyone in this nation. You dont think if we over threw and over hauled the govt that all the other countries around the world wouldnt try to exploit that? The day the us falls, the day the world goes to war
  7. Urca

    Death Row last meal, what are you eating??

    i didnt mean anything by what i said, im just saying, you brought back a four month old thread. jeeze, im sorry if i made you mad
  8. Urca

    How can the federal government raid state authorized dispensaries?

    rebelling against the government is the stupidest thing anyone could ever do. If you want to fight the government, do it in the courts, not in open rebellion. Our way of life, everything would be gone. Then the us's malaise and down fall would spread to other countries dependant upon us.
  9. Urca

    Death Row last meal, what are you eating??

    wow way to bring this back
  10. Urca

    Think about your dad

    what a beautiful bride, and I can see the spark of life in your father's eyes. you can tell he was one sharp cookie
  11. Urca

    How can the federal government raid state authorized dispensaries?

    I know its only pot and i totally agree with you, however, its the principle of the thing. If the federal govt allowed states to carry out laws that go against federal laws, they are giving them carte blanche to do as they wish with no repercussions.
  12. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    kuroi, i hope that you posting these pictures is what you really want. That being said, im glad I stopped putting up my bra shots, alot more people wouldnt like me
  13. Urca

    How can the federal government raid state authorized dispensaries?

    Its the supremacy clause. Federal law will always override state law. Federal marriage laws prohibit gay marriage, even though states pass laws allowing it. The founding fathers didnt want states to have power like small nations. Of course, the federal government isnt always right, but since...
  14. Urca

    Think about your dad

    my dad is wonderful. he's tall, and heavy, with blue eyes and blonde hair. He's a chain smoker, a pot smoker, and an alcoholic. He has the patience of a saint, and he always perserveres. He taught me how to read and write very well, always tried to help me with my homework when he could. He and...
  15. Urca

    Must be bad pickin' for the men these days...

    it was a reply to what mmj said. not everything is about you.
  16. Urca

    Must be bad pickin' for the men these days...

    haha i wouldnt know but good for you! lol
  17. Urca

    Must be bad pickin' for the men these days...

    whatever dude. All im saying is that she isnt old and isnt ugly. I know this for a fact. Get off my nuts, troll
  18. Urca

    the dave chappele thread!!!

    haha hep no hard feelings
  19. Urca

    Must be bad pickin' for the men these days...

    Hey, i dont think that you're old or that you're ugly. Seriously, if any of you have ever seen a picture of her, I swear she's gorgeous
  20. Urca

    the dave chappele thread!!!

    lol your a dick