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  1. Urca

    gay people

    no, im pissed cause my gay friend got all snippy with me because i told him not to spend 400 bucks on a jacket, and that being given 3000 dollars by his father to spend on black friday is ridiculous
  2. Urca

    gay people

    For the most part I have no problem with gay people. I fully support their right to marry and all that good stuff. Shit, I have tons of gay friends. But... for gods sake why are some gay men such divas? I swear to you, I keep running into this type over and over. They are very materialistic...
  3. Urca

    my life is fucked up

    do what beansly said. seriously, you need to save your life, no one will save it for you. my mom was an addict, could neer get clean, never had a reason to until my dad took us away from her. we were her reason for getting clean. you need your own reason, you gotta do it for you. you...
  4. Urca

    The Walking Dead

    ah omg i know im a bit late, but wasnt the last episode just fucking amazing? plus i love that asian dude, glad he got the girl and they killed all the zombies. though, the old man had to have known that the little girl they were looking for was problably the little girl in his barn
  5. Urca

    Old Pot Found in Pipe: Do you smoke it or toss it ?

    Im not gonna lie, id smoke it and not give a fuck about the taste. I try not to waste any weed, I dont grow and dont have a steady supply of income to buy weed all the time, ive been known to scrape the bottom of my knock box for bits and peices of weed. I was able to get a joint out of it.
  6. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    aww how cute. :)
  7. Urca

    1 Bad a$$ DAWG!!!!

    holy shit thats crazy... fuck that its a wild animal, stay far far away
  8. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    kuroi stop talking down to yourself. it hurts when you do, i should know, i do it all the time, 24/7. quit it. pretty much everyone on here likes you, so no one is complaining or thinking your a whiner. :) perk up. personally if I could find a way to wear the rococo clothes ( find ones to fit...
  9. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    haha brandon its not that easy. kuroi should have no problem finding dudes, she's really pretty. But I understand where she is coming from. Ive never had a guy like me except for the guy im in a fucked up situation with. so i cling to him even when he ignores me for long periods of time, when...
  10. Urca

    Cosplay Corner

    kuroi dont you love how thick you have to put on stage makeup? anywho, yeah I was an evil doll come to life, so i brushed out my hair until it was huge, then put on the crazy stage makeup
  11. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    too bad i cant take my own advice, cause the guy im into at least like to touch me kiss me etc, cuddle and tickle and just hang out for hours, but when he goes hoe sometimes I dont hear from him for like two weeks at a time. meh. dudes. anywho, do what i say and not what i do kuroi
  12. Urca

    Cosplay Corner

    lol only thing i have remotely close to this would be my prom dress, and me in a sari. i looked fucking sexy in the sari. oh and there was this pic of me dressed as an evil doll for a dance routine. let me find it
  13. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    lol kuroi he has a gf, tread softly my friend. and yeah, wouldnt it be nice if people thought you were as (special pretty blah insert adjective here) in person as on the internet. thats the thing though, i highly doubt you walk around showing off all your good bits in person, and its really easy...
  14. Urca

    Who can picture betty white smoking a fat ass blunt?

    I can so picture her, looking like a sweet old lady, opening her mouth and cussing like a sailor, then pulling out a huge blunt and hitting it like a champ. Idk I just think she's hella cool and i can picture her being an old ass stoner. plus she's hilarious
  15. Urca

    Wrong to be stoned around kids?

    btw ive seen her friend baked out of her mind have the fastest catlike reflexes to keep her daughter safe (the little girl was looking at dvds, trying to pull one out, it got stuck, the dvd case almost fell on her plus the burning candle on top of it) her friend leaped off the couch in one giant...
  16. Urca

    Wrong to be stoned around kids?

    well my mom and dad have smoked my whole life, and i dont think its wrong as long as you arent smoking in front of them and you still do your job. however i smoke alot with my sister and her friend, and her friend always brings over her daughter. her friend sits the toddler in front of the tv...
  17. Urca

    Zumba........ Woooooooo

    see thats why i liked it, i used to be a dancer, and well, its full out dancing. I love dancing, and i feel like now that we have a wii, this is something i can commit to, because I need to change my body and eating habits, so why not start exercising in the way i love and working on what i eat...
  18. Urca

    Zumba........ Woooooooo

    Man have any of you done this? I really think its something id be good at, but i wanted to see if anyone else had done it
  19. Urca


    me.... like three weeks ago before class
  20. Urca

    Finally bought a new bong.....

    Shit I'd love a pink bong... Im pretty sure she would too, and plus a gifts a gift, she'll just enjoy the fact you got it for her