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  1. Urca

    I cant roll a joint

    its 1:01 here. shit i gotta wake up in the morning and cook. but... still have two more beers plus a cup of bacardi and pepsi to kill, and a bowl to smoke. Its thanksgiving, letss do it up
  2. Urca

    I cant roll a joint

    only thing i hate about beer is peeing constantly. fuck an
  3. Urca

    I cant roll a joint

    ooh man thats really cool, i could never use one of those things, my aim sucks. see? not that drunk if i focus on the keyboard
  4. Urca

    I cant roll a joint

    shit lets do it up. the only reason i typed like that was cuz i wasnt paying attention, was waiting for a text. Im good bro
  5. Urca

    I cant roll a joint

    DRUNK......................... WOO lol shit happy thanksgivnig guys i a botu to azmsoe and then kepe drin king, stockedc up and tehn came i to my room and yeah, its about to get cracking enjogy thanklisgivng uyo, appreciatre your family, myt stepdad is hella dope, love drinking wioth hiom
  6. Urca

    I cant roll a joint

    that little twist then before you even put in the weed really helps... it makes it hold its shape
  7. Urca

    I cant roll a joint

    i always let the person who rolled it hit it. Because its just common curtesy.
  8. Urca

    I cant roll a joint

    ooh im so fucking high
  9. Urca

    I cant roll a joint

    damn im smoking this and im feeling pretty nice, its burning somewhat fast, but that could just be because the weed is somewhat drier than usual
  10. Urca

    I cant roll a joint

    ok so i decided to fix it. i used a bobby pin to make it tighter, then I twisted the open end closed. Where it was twisted the first time, I cut off the twist, and used the bobby pin. heres the result
  11. Urca

    aw thank you hun. yeah i know she apologized later but it made me feel like shit. and this dude...

    aw thank you hun. yeah i know she apologized later but it made me feel like shit. and this dude is making me feel really like a nice warm mouth to put his dick in and then ignore
  12. Urca

    I cant roll a joint

    should i empty out thios joint and try again with your corrections?
  13. Urca

    yesterday my mom freaked out on me for waiting for her to call me, she told me i needed to grow...

    yesterday my mom freaked out on me for waiting for her to call me, she told me i needed to grow up, then i was confused and apologetic, but she was being mean and i said so and she started being meaner, i started crying, she started making fun of me for crying, then she hit me for crying, did a...
  14. Urca

    I cant roll a joint

    i love your voice kuroi.... ive always been wondering what you sounded like
  15. Urca

    I cant roll a joint

    ok just rolled a joint using the wiz khalifa method, minus the filter. Its a little loose on one end but for the most part its smokeable.
  16. Urca

    I cant roll a joint

    one time by complete accident I rolled a nice joint, but now... no matter how hard I try it just doesnt work. thank god i picked up my own zigzags, ive used more zigzags trying than actually smoking. makes me hella mad.
  17. Urca

    I cant roll a joint

    Ugh so for the most part, I always either smoke out of pipes, or blunts. I can make a blunt happen, but for some reason joints escape me. Ive been trying and trying but nothing I do seems to work. When I finally get it rolled, its not tight enough. And thats if I even manage to get it rolled...
  18. Urca

    Chibi Coworkers :3

    yay for chun li, she's my favorite
  19. Urca

    aww thank you very much. And dont let the assholes get you down, and dont let you get you down...

    aww thank you very much. And dont let the assholes get you down, and dont let you get you down. Im in a rough spot right now and my own mind is making it worse and worse. So im assuming the same is going on in your head too. Lol just bake and forget for a while, it'll all be good
  20. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    Kuroi! You look great! Lol I only have one new picture of me but not sure if anyone wants to see it. Anywho, please think about what I said, ok? <3