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  1. Urca

    Judge caught beating daughter! Disgusting.

    im not a troll!! Damn everything i say is my own viewpoint, I dont troll threads
  2. Urca

    Judge caught beating daughter! Disgusting.

    I believe in my dad's approach. Swift slap upside the head for super disrespect, spankings for other things, hand on bare ass, and only a certain amount of swats. Belt only when its really bad. I dont like my mom's approach of go apeshit and start swinging on Erica
  3. Urca

    Judge caught beating daughter! Disgusting.

    you would really lift a hand to your mom or dad for hitting you? i could never do that. I wasnt raised that way. My sister would beat the shit out of my mom though if my mom ever hit her, and my brother wouldnt take it either. Too bad my bro got hit half as much as me, and my sister not at all...
  4. Urca

    Judge caught beating daughter! Disgusting.

    Ive had my ass beat, been slapped, etc... I dont consider it abuse, because it didnt happen all the time, and when it happened I was being a little shit. Ive been hit with hangers, belts, hands, a two liter thrown at my head, been shoved to the ground repeatedly, slapped upside the head and...
  5. Urca

    Judge caught beating daughter! Disgusting.

    what he did to her did cross the line, but nowadays, any spanking is considered abuse
  6. Urca

    Judge caught beating daughter! Disgusting.

    im not condoning what happened to her, but if she had just accepted the punishment, wouldnt have been so severe. He did cross the line, by going over ten strokes with the belt, and it on her legs. Ive had to drop my pants and count off ten strokes with my dad's belt. Hurt, but it was easier...
  7. Urca

    Lost interest in smoking weed?

    its true, its just not the same anymore
  8. Urca

    Lost interest in smoking weed?

    gah idk why, but for the last few weeks, if im by myself smoking, i smoke a bowl and im like, wtf, no point, not getting high etc..... its almost like im too lazy or tired, or it just doesnt feel right or takes too long. I miss enjoying weed, I want that feeling back. I wonder if this has...
  9. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    that was a long long time ago
  10. Urca

    Any Physios on RIU?

    which is fine, but you sound like one of those meat heads who run their muscles into the ground by over doing it. No offense
  11. Urca

    Any Physios on RIU?

    there's your problem, you're pushing your body too hard. there's a difference between pushing your limits, but you seem like the type that devastates their body everytime they excercise
  12. Urca

    HAPPY HALLOWEEN. What you Doing tonight?

    dude, halloween is on monday.
  13. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    i like old music, like edith piaf, etc. just not centuries old
  14. Urca

    Who out of you guys speaks french?

    lol you're thinking southern california, hun. everyone from central ca up to northern ca, we dont have an accent, just tons of spanish and multiple asian loan words
  15. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    which is why i hate the majority of classical music
  16. Urca

    hmm im a big fan of the impressionists and mannerists

    hmm im a big fan of the impressionists and mannerists
  17. Urca

    Who out of you guys speaks french?

    i was just thinking that.
  18. Urca

    Who out of you guys speaks french?

    Yeah, us regional accents can be off putting to some people. California doesnt really have an accent, but head east and people start having accents
  19. Urca

    Who out of you guys speaks french?

    lol excuse me if i am wrong, but i think american english is more easily understandable than english from the uk. though one can understand both if one knows english, the kind of english you guys speak over there sometimes throws me for a loop, almost as if its not english
  20. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    its the way they paint trees and what not, its not realistic and I hate it... every brush stroke is too fluffy