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  1. Urca

    World's oldest working model.

    can you imagine when she was still young? She's beautiful now but imagine back then? holy shit
  2. Urca

    My opinion

    whats the purpose?
  3. Urca

    My opinion

    ok so now that you've been cheap shotting me for months, will you please leave me alone?
  4. Urca

    My opinion

    its cool, i can accept it. its just the bashing never ends, even after i changed
  5. Urca

    My opinion

    yeah i used to be for a bit. but when i stopped doing that the abuse continued. I didnt do it to make people feel sorry for me, I just needed a way to went
  6. Urca

    My opinion

    seriously, why cant you just let it go? fuck i stay away from here just cause of you, could you please get off my case?
  7. Urca

    My opinion

    crypt isnt old, he just enjoys harrassing some people. plus he's a tax dodging nihilist. But........... hate it that he can still be funny as all get out, while still being an asshat. god has a funny sense of humor. his jokes make you wanna like him, personality makes you wanna punch him
  8. Urca

    My opinion

    cant you just leave me alone? Damn i didnt even say anything to you. i just liked your post, it was funny. :(
  9. Urca

    3.8 grams for 20? good deal?

    i dont make my bowls that fat, and its not like a stupid high, just kinda mellow. Idk have a little bit of a tolerance too. its just plain average weed. the same amount i bought tonight would cost me 40 from my regular dealer
  10. Urca

    3.8 grams for 20? good deal?

    ok so now that i think about it, very good deal. lol im kinda high so it kinda escaped me. Plus sometimes I can be a bit ignornant about these things
  11. Urca

    3.8 grams for 20? good deal?

    lol hep, i dont do alot of weighing my weed, i go by price and how fat it looks to the naked eye. Im a bit unenlightened on the whole thing, I know i sound stupid but yeah, Im really unsure. The weed is a pretty decent weed, nothing crazy good or anything, it gets me fairly high in two bowls and...
  12. Urca

    3.8 grams for 20? good deal?

    Yeah bought some weed from old friends tonight, they gave me 3.8 grams for twenty. Did I get a good deal or what? I think they might have given me a little bit extra cause of the type of weed they sold me last time
  13. Urca

    Accidental Incest
  14. Urca

    Accidental Incest

    you think is bad, check out hapsburg inbreeding. Especially in spain. First cousins would marry, and uncles married neices. By the end of it, they had inbred so much that they were able to breed a king that had closer genetic similarities than a child born from a brother and a sister. he was...
  15. Urca

    Watch Judge Hand Down Life Sentence - Messed UP!

    wow back off, fuck im just commenting on the thread, you always have some negitive shit to say.
  16. Urca

    Watch Judge Hand Down Life Sentence - Messed UP!

    Um how can you be on the side of the defendants? They let a child suffer. Fuck them.
  17. Urca

    Have You Ever Been in a Fight?

    one fight at school, dozens at home with my siblings, and everyother time i tried to fight at school, they all bitched out. im not even that good at fighting, but they always backed down. problably cause i was so aggressive. who knows. they talk shit, about wanting to fight etc, i call them on...
  18. Urca

    Lost interest in smoking weed?

    get off my ass, why do you always have to talk shit? i dont even talk to you
  19. Urca

    Ever sing to your pet?

    my sister and i sing to the dog, because he gets all excited and amped and starting staring at his butt
  20. Urca

    Judge caught beating daughter! Disgusting.

    Well he knew it wouldnt hurt, and after I turned 10 no more bare ass spankings, except the time I broke the front door. Its not trailer trash, its called rules. Suspension from school, theft, beating up kids, etc= belt. stuff like talking back, being rude, not doing what your told after many...