Ever sing to your pet?


Well-Known Member
I sing to everything when I'm high, but sometimes I have long one sided conversations with my cat, trying to convince it to talk to me, since I know it can talk. I always promise not to tell anyone, but he knows I'm lying, cause if I had a talking cat I'd tell anyone who would listen...lol


Well-Known Member
I talk to my dog, but we don't sing...he listens to my music though. He likes Kid Rock.


Active Member
I sing to everything when I'm high, but sometimes I have long one sided conversations with my cat, trying to convince it to talk to me, since I know it can talk. I always promise not to tell anyone, but he knows I'm lying, cause if I had a talking cat I'd tell anyone who would listen...lol
I hate cats with a passion, I am allergic too them but I honestly could believe they are smarter then we think they are, So smart it just might hurt one day when they take over. Anyway how is this for smartness hmm. And this is only what we are beginning too see after 1000s of years.


Well-Known Member
I sing to everything when I'm high, but sometimes I have long one sided conversations with my cat, trying to convince it to talk to me, since I know it can talk. I always promise not to tell anyone, but he knows I'm lying, cause if I had a talking cat I'd tell anyone who would listen...lol
My cat can talk, seriously. And the guy I housesit for, I taught his cat to say 'hello'. I like singing/talking to my kitty. He listens, grooms me, and makes a good pillow. I think animals like music, kitty tries to put his paws on the keyboard sitting on me when I play piano.


Well-Known Member
I hate cats with a passion, I am allergic too them but I honestly could believe they are smarter then we think they are, So smart it just might hurt one day when they take over. Anyway how is this for smartness hmm. And this is only what we are beginning too see after 1000s of years.
If we didnt have cats, people everywhere would want to have baby tigers as pets.

Plus I like barn cats and watching them eat mice and birds and stuff.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
I hate cats with a passion, I am allergic too them but I honestly could believe they are smarter then we think they are, So smart it just might hurt one day when they take over. Anyway how is this for smartness hmm. And this is only what we are beginning too see after 1000s of years.

that's fucking hilarious. that cat straight up mocked that dude in his face. i fucking love cats. i sing to my cat all the time, too. really i just sing out loud and at my cat, but whatever. he doesn't mind.


Well-Known Member
Haha, my cat finds it strange that I sing to him... he does all the twisting of the head left and right, mostly because it is Native American music that I am listening to when I sing to him, often I am really stoned during this.

We have good times, my cat and I... dude is a son to me, follows me on my walks around the neighborhood even.


Well-Known Member
my sister and i sing to the dog, because he gets all excited and amped and starting staring at his butt


Well-Known Member
I don't know about singing, but my dog loves to sit there and listen to dubstep while we are both plastered lol


Well-Known Member
yeah, i sing sometimes , soothe them with song if i have to,or if im feeling especially cuddly, but i hum more.

my cats really dig music too, though they like better the music i make than the singing (not that they object lol)

first time i played the guitar around mommy cat, she jumped right into my lap.

sometime if im making music, they come and sit really close and cock their ears :) look happier when i put it on speakers :)


Well-Known Member
i sing, dance, talk.. ever tried to make your dog dance a tango? lofl. ever make your dog look like he's DJing music? :) i do all sorts of silly stuff with my dogs. no one else is around & they enjoy the abuse.


Well-Known Member
cats are pretty clever, can be compared to 3-5 year olds in smarts.

(humm humm, depending on the cat AND the 3-5 year old and making certain allowances;))

but emotionally they are pretty similar to people. (they are more emotionally mature in many cases but then again, some people have 1 year olds emotional maturity)

they are more independant than dogs, but really quite similar.

they connect through the heart. the more you love them, the more love you get back (though if they think you got potential they will nudge you :))

my cats follow me around and have always done, though luckily not really beyond their boundaries (each cat has its territory)
for sometimes it would be really difficult for them to follow.

usually if i fall asleep i find a cat sleeping on top of me or next to me.