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  1. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    im not bitter or jealous, i just think its a foolish waste of money. but thats how I was brought up. It helps growing up worrying about money, taught me to be careful with it after watching my dad go up and down in his financial situation. this 54 dollar lesson doesnt teach shit
  2. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    im not trying to make it about me, im using my life as a basis for my argument. what else can I draw from except from MY OWN LIFE EXPERIENCE?
  3. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    your ignornant for blindly attacking me without seeing the validity of my argument. either way, the kid doesnt lose. He can spend all the money and get what he wants, or if he doesnt spend it he gets even more money. he's not learning anything. He gets a reward for either decision he chooses to...
  4. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    we're talking about frivolous spending money, not the basics. which is the whole point of this thread. dont get it twisted. and they had to work hard to give us the basics, and still somehow made miracles happen at xmas, (im not talking fancy miracles) but like they made sure we had presents...
  5. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    btw my dad stopped giving me money or paying child support because of him losing his job.
  6. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    im talking about my mom and stepdad. And yes, they never gave me shit after I turned 14. So in the four years between 14 and 18, they never gave me money for shit except for the aforementioned reasons.
  7. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    well shit, giving him hella money isnt really going to do that. If anything, give him 54 bucks and say "this is all you will get to spend on whatever you want for three weeks. make it last" i learned how to budget and save because i always had to save up money to go places, get the things I...
  8. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    well fdd, my dad used to give me 100 bucks a month to spend however i pleased. I always said I appreciated it, and I did. But then the recession thing happened. and I realized I never truly understood what he was giving me until it is all gone. Im problably thinking this way because well, i've...
  9. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    im sorry this just seems so foreign to me, and pointless. plus its not teaching him any lesson, its just throwing away anywhere between 54-108 bucks. thats just retarded
  10. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    fdd's pretty much implying that either way, any decision he makes, he still benefits. dont give your kids something for nothing, they will never appreciate it.
  11. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    why would you even do this? in either situation you lose money. only time my parents really ever gave me money for anything was prom, 20 bucks here and there just to get me out of the house, but if I wanted something I had to save for it. much less beg and plead for a ride to where I wanted to...
  12. Urca

    Do You Think You Are Special?

    well, i know I am not special in the way I look, or special as in the sense like you're special to a romantic partner. Im just below average in those areas. But.... I've heard over the years that Im special because I am smart, and a very good writer. Ive always been well spoken, well read, and I...
  13. Urca

    Things to mix with vodka?

    vodka and gatorade... i hate it.
  14. Urca

    Extreme Couponing

    its hoarding, only more organized and accepted and marginally more useful than hoarding. this one chick used it to feed her, and her 5 foster kids, and the nieghborhood kids who came to play, and the food bank
  15. Urca

    Have you ever been in an accident?

    my dad's car was hit when I was 6 on my way to the dr's office. His car was kinda messed up, and he didnt get any injuries, but because i was in the front seat not sitting properly, I ended up with my head under the dash board and my feet all tangled up in seatbeat, and a huge goose egg on my...
  16. Urca

    Things to mix with vodka?

    lol we're a bunch of 18 year olds, not freaking bartenders. thanks for the ideas though! problably gonna run down to the liquor store and try to find some kind of pineapple juice. if not ill get lemonade or whatever like fdd said
  17. Urca

    Things to mix with vodka?

    ooh pineapple juice. maybe that'd be good?
  18. Urca

    Things to mix with vodka?

    My friends and I are drinking tonight, we have vodka. They bought some Cranberry-raspberry juice, and I feel like I should get one more thing, for variety, so whats a good mixer? Not orange juice. We did that once and not only could we hella taste the vodka (like too strong), but the next...
  19. Urca

    World's oldest working model.

    still is too. My granma was lovely when she was my age. she's not pretty like she used to be, but looks about 10 years younger than she is. Not everyone can get lucky like this lady
  20. Urca

    World's oldest working model.

    young pictures of her