World's oldest working model.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
This woman is 80 years old!!! She was a fashion model all her life and yes, she was friends with Bernie Madoff. He left her with basically nothing (I'm sure her version of nothing is different than mine). She looks great.

Carmen Dell'Orefice is termed the world’s oldest working model. Dell'Orefice started when she was just a teen, and she had her first magazine cover by the time she was 15.






Well-Known Member
can you imagine when she was still young? She's beautiful now but imagine back then? holy shit


Well-Known Member
Wow, good for her ^^

She seems like she had plenty of spark left, not just a made-up clothes horse. Madonna is younger and she has looked pretty haggard lately...


Well-Known Member

oh broken link, but urca beat me to it anyway

she looks really gorgeous in that third pic urca sent.


Well-Known Member
still is too. My granma was lovely when she was my age. she's not pretty like she used to be, but looks about 10 years younger than she is. Not everyone can get lucky like this lady


Well-Known Member
its probably all about staying young at heart.

im 35 and last year some people thought i was 18 :) (though usually think im in my 20´s, early if im shaved)

funnily, i got into bars and could buy liquor since i was 15 , but got asked for my license just before i became 20 (somehow i started to get younger looking then)

but ive always kept up the kid in me (not really an effort)

play games and stuff like that.

still might climb a tree if i see a good one and am in the mood.


Well-Known Member
ah, the wonders of makeup.

(i betcha she looks much more normal without it (pretty girl at most)

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I found one picture of her without makeup. For being 80 I still think she's rocks even without, but with, wow-80. It, also, helps that she has not really worked hard a day in her life.


Just threw this one in for the heck of it.
