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  1. Urca

    Why do little kids tug at the heartstrings so much?

    I dont want babies at all. So its a good thing Im not having sex. I want to be married and like 26-27 before I even try to have kids. Its just like when you babysit or whatever, and you're all into it, you think "what if". Plus with what happened to my sister, im really protective over kids
  2. Urca

    Why do little kids tug at the heartstrings so much?

    eh, just school and trying to get a job. hung out with my sister's friend and her baby and like 4 girls i went to school with had babies recently, so ive been thinking about them alot, and well i smoked and now for some reason i want to talk about the first thing that comes to mind. which...
  3. Urca

    Why do little kids tug at the heartstrings so much?

    i thought we were cool now? :(
  4. Urca

    Why do little kids tug at the heartstrings so much?

    so alot of people I know my age or a little bit older have has babies. and holy shit every time i see one of them or baby sit or just chill with them my heart turns to mush and i feel all fucking motherly and shit. lol its like glamourizing having a baby with they way they make me feel. BUT...
  5. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    ive been applying for seasonal jobs, havent been contacted as to yes or no.
  6. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    no because i had the grades to get lots of grants. and the initiative to go to school. Unlike anyone else in my family.
  7. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    and? i still have money
  8. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    yeah and he's a great guy too, just not very good with money. anywho fdd, i didnt mean to come off rude or offend you at all. please forgive me if i did
  9. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    Im not like my parents finanicially. I feel the way I do because all while growing up, Id see a similar pattern in my father. He would be down and out, poor as hell, we'd have to get food from the food bank, etc.. and then he'd get a new job and bam, we had money so he spent it all. then...
  10. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    im really not trying to be a prick, im just trying to tell you how I see it.
  11. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    how do I sound ghetto? just curious
  12. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    Im not jealous of 54 dollars. I have my own money. Im just unable to understand how this teaches a lesson
  13. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    being fucked over is a part of life. giving him 54 and saying ill match whatever you dont spend isnt really a lasting lesson. giving him 54 and saying "make it last, spend it on the important things" most kids will blow that money in a week on stupid things. when he has no money left to spend...
  14. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    i think my major problem with the whole concept is that it is so radically different from the way my parents are. i just cant comprehend how anyone could learn from this. but thats my issue. no need to attack me as a person, which alot of people have done
  15. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    i cant see his point because it just makes no sense. its a short term lesson where there is no negitive outcome.
  16. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    please tell me at least you see my point?
  17. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    um, please dont tell me I dont understand about credit cards, money, etc. You have no idea what kind of life I had. Or my experiences with money. Watching my parents and all the things we kids had to go through because we had no money taught me alot. yeah they made sure we had the nessacities...
  18. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    this is why i love it when you respond. you make perfect sense without being rude or shitty or telling someone that they way they were brought up to handle money is wrong
  19. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    im not insulting fdd at all. i think he can be very smart. but this little "experiment" goes in the face of what I have learned from my parents and my grandmother. You have to earn what you get, and getting more money as a reward for not spending money is just stupid. Either way the kid gets...
  20. Urca

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    im just trying to be practical. 54 bucks isnt cheap. thats alot of money to teach a lesson which could easily be taught another way. and if he doesnt know what kind of man his son is by now, im doubting this will show him the kind of man his son is.