Why do little kids tug at the heartstrings so much?


Well-Known Member
so alot of people I know my age or a little bit older have has babies. and holy shit every time i see one of them or baby sit or just chill with them my heart turns to mush and i feel all fucking motherly and shit.
lol its like glamourizing having a baby with they way they make me feel.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
becuase school seems harder then child rearing . . .. . . . ?

when you compare things your RA said while hitting on you with a bowl of ramen noodles in his hand "he made himself"

lots of other things seem cute or adorable

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
you are the most unstable persona i have ever had the dis pleasure of involving myself with, i mean i know more about your horrible life then i do my own

the existential im 19 shit is only cool if you within 20 miles and are capable of giving a healthy bj before you cry


Well-Known Member
Cool with what? Glad you have a maternal instinct...next thread...........

No, but seriously, what's up?


Well-Known Member
eh, just school and trying to get a job. hung out with my sister's friend and her baby and like 4 girls i went to school with had babies recently, so ive been thinking about them alot, and well i smoked and now for some reason i want to talk about the first thing that comes to mind. which happened to be babies.


Well-Known Member
eh, just school and trying to get a job. hung out with my sister's friend and her baby and like 4 girls i went to school with had babies recently, so ive been thinking about them alot, and well i smoked and now for some reason i want to talk about the first thing that comes to mind. which happened to be babies.
Gotta be having sex before you can be having the babies...Well, not unless you have a turkey baster and some fresh sperm, I guess.....


Well-Known Member
I dont want babies at all. So its a good thing Im not having sex. I want to be married and like 26-27 before I even try to have kids. Its just like when you babysit or whatever, and you're all into it, you think "what if".
Plus with what happened to my sister, im really protective over kids


Well-Known Member
Because we're programmed to be protective over young... Though infanticide happens. They are clueless and physically vulnerable, and I think asides from the instinctual part, people are consciously attracted to that honesty. Like animals, little children are going to be be the most honest, or mirror-like living creatures you will encounter. There comes an age where all seems to be surrounded in deceit and fakery.

I feel maternal all the time, particularly in the winter. But I'm a wolf therianthrope- I feel like I should be rearing puppies. Not in an 'I want to pet them' way, but I want to be teaching them how to be with other pack members, howl, nurse them, groom them etc. I still get extrememly distressed and depressed at times when I feel I'm not 'fulfilling my purpose' In equivalent wolf years, it is mommy time and I do find myself looking at the landscape for potential den site, wondering why I don't have an undercoat to line such a den with etc. I don't really want babies at the moment, human babies often disgust or frighten me but I'd probably like the idea in the future. That being said, my mama had me at the age I am and I like our age gap.

It's crazy, I'll have periods where all I think is puppies, puppies, PUPPIES!!!! *frantic circles*


Well-Known Member
You only see the good side of having kids when you're with your friends kids. When you go home they become children of the corn.