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  1. Urca

    Whats up

    new peice :) :D
  2. Urca

    Whats up

    lol i cant control the internet situation, but sorry for worrying you no strippers, kuroi, its like ten minutes outside of vegas, but its like a whole different world. hash was awesome, it just made me REALLY thoughtful and quiet. lol i got off the plane when i first went there, and from the...
  3. Urca

    Whats up

    yeah i saw the facebook thing, but its hard to post from my phone. appreciate it and glad to be back
  4. Urca

    Whats up

    i had the best time. i tried hash for the first time, learned that i like whiskey, used a vape for the first time, got some driving lessons, and basically had three weeks of nothing but weed, hanging out with my dad and brother, and yeah, it was great.
  5. Urca

    Whats up

    thank you, i went to vegas for about three weeks, just got home tonight. I would have been on more, but my dad forgot his wifi pass code and my dad's computer sucks ass.
  6. Urca

    Whats up

    been gone for a few weeks, dont know whats up with you guys, whats new? how was christmas, new years? Any one get new peices for xmas? Im breaking in my new bubbler right now, got it in vegas from my bro
  7. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    wow this thread is still up? lol i thought it would have fizzled out in the weeks i was away
  8. Urca

    Cheap Meals...what do you do?

    cannabineer, its not phaux, its said like fuh, well at least thats what they call it here
  9. Urca

    why is a beer buzz better than a hard liquor buzz?

    have no choice in whether or not i want him over, my stepdad decides that. and he wouldnt touch me, he already knows that every single person in this house would freak the fuck out on him. We had to once when he kept checking out my mom and sister's ass when they werent looking. plus i always...
  10. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    intelligence doesnt indicate maturity, or else id be very mature indeed. though i do agrre about the connection thing, i thought it was bs until i met the right person and i was like oh, so this is what it supposed to feel like when they talked about "being connected"
  11. Urca

    why is a beer buzz better than a hard liquor buzz?

    I am a chicken. You can barely hear me talking on there anyway. But it reminded me of a stunt my stepdad's brother pulled last night that pissed me off. Dude seriously asked me if he could have my laptop, and that my laptop would be better used with him, and that possibly there was something...
  12. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    what i meant was, if your 35 and trying to date an 18 year old, thats kinda pervy. Its ok to look and drool, but 18 should be off limits. Lol use the ten year rule and go after a 25 year old as the youngest you will go
  13. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    lol too bad I dont have daddy issues, my father is pretty awesome and like one of my best friends Whats wrong with them dating someone younger than them? I dont see the bad in that at all, we like what we like, and as long as the girl in the equation is legal and isnt coerced, then there is no...
  14. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    but what if we naturally like older guys? Seriously, every guy Ive ever "talked to", and had any kind of experience with (including sexual and non sexual life experience) has been at least 4 years older, but lately it seems the best age gap has been 5 or 6 years older. Better with age. They...
  15. Urca

    why is a beer buzz better than a hard liquor buzz?

    how about fuck no, im watching it one more time then destroying the evidence
  16. Urca

    why is a beer buzz better than a hard liquor buzz?

    that may be true, i tend to drink in volume, and well... drinking hard liquor makes me feel sick as fuck. I made a video last night on my webcam.... and holy shit i was DRUNK. would have been 5x if I had been drinking hard liquor
  17. Urca

    why is a beer buzz better than a hard liquor buzz?

    exactly, why would anyone even think that? jeeze, i actually had fun with him last night, instead of the usual way he's been acting for some reason. why are people so sick?
  18. Urca

    why is a beer buzz better than a hard liquor buzz?

    actually I checked the can... it was like 110 per can, but not that I think about it, I drank like a lot of them, thats bad :shock:
  19. Urca

    why is a beer buzz better than a hard liquor buzz?

    appreciate the concern, but I was drinking at home with my step father and his brother. I wouldnt go out and be as fucked up as I was last night
  20. Urca

    why is a beer buzz better than a hard liquor buzz?

    bump foolios