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  1. Urca

    £100 for this and its clearly not a half oz

    kuroi, watch out for kodank lol, you might come out of the deal with only 4 fingers and a mickey mouse hand...
  2. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    I would love to get mehndi done on me one time.. its so beautiful
  3. Urca

    Renting vs Buying textbooks

    I ended up renting one and buying the others, since they werent availible to rent
  4. Urca

    Renting vs Buying textbooks

    i know im just really conflicted and to top it off nervous about starting a new semester
  5. Urca

    Renting vs Buying textbooks

    I bought all used books last semester and still spent 440 on them.
  6. Urca

    Renting vs Buying textbooks

    whats the best way to go? The semester starts on monday and i havent bought my books yet, because I dont know whether to rent or buy from your experience, which is the best choice?
  7. Urca

    Have you ever been caught?

    I have the pleasure of never seeing my parents have sex since they are divorced, but my room is next to my moms, and I have heard her having sex with my stepdad over the years.... always grosses me out extremely
  8. Urca

    Have you ever been caught?

    lol im surprised they made a sock monkey like that
  9. Urca

    Have you ever been caught?

    lol ill be 19 soon and i still dont know how to drive :(
  10. Urca

    Have you ever been caught?

    Lol well when its not sex for one, and two, we're both adults, just he lives in a different city and comes and sees me, then we cant do shit at my place cause I live with family
  11. Urca

    Have you ever been caught?

    lol no, but there's other things to do other than fuck. I was lucky in that I still had my jeans on
  12. Urca

    Have you ever been caught?

    Getting busy with someone in what you thought was a secluded spot? Guess who did last night, barely had time to get some clothes on before the cop knocked on the windows, which just happened to be super fogged up. Lol I was topless and braless under the guy's jacket But... cop was a cool guy...
  13. Urca

    What do you consider desperate behavior in a female?

    ok get this... so I made this topic when I was in a bad place, kinda depressed cause someone just died in my family, and I was focusing on negitive shit. It happened months ago and I should just forget it because it's never been brought up again, but you know what? I was sad and hurting and in...
  14. Urca

    What do you consider desperate behavior in a female?

    what details? it went down the way i said.
  15. Urca

    Before Glasses were invented...

    Fin i answered your question. You told me my answer was wrong So how did I argue with your first post? I argued with you over the fact that you are a troll. get it straight
  16. Urca

    Before Glasses were invented...

    we werent arguing, but you got your panties ina bunch that someone would DARE disagree with you if you hadnt been so offended at what I said, this would have never happened. You're the one trolling your own thread with numerous posts
  17. Urca

    Before Glasses were invented...

    Better being fat and occaisionally a bitch than a nasty dredlocked loser who has no future see how personal attacks suck?
  18. Urca

    I'm gonna be a daddy!!!

    Congrats! Its always good to hear about things like this, makes the bad shit in life seem less important
  19. Urca

    Before Glasses were invented...

    I told you what they did with nearsighted or blind people, but you didnt accept that. You acted all superior and denied my post's veracity or relavance You picked this "argument" Though I maintain that i am respectfully sharing my opinions with you, if I was arguing, Id be a lot less cohereant
  20. Urca

    Before Glasses were invented...

    But who decided what was bullshit and what wasnt bullshit? And who are you to say my opinion isnt a TRUE OPINION? Im not spitting bullshit, im being real with you You are making no friends on here by acting in the manner that you do People will harrass you for this if you do not change I would...