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  1. Urca

    Before Glasses were invented...

    fin, you just dont get it and never will, have fun off in lala land. I may have my own issues, but I dont claim my OPINION as absolute fact and call people dumb when they dont accquiesce to my (rather your) uneducated opinion. This isnt me personally attacking you, this is me asking you to act...
  2. Urca

    What do you consider desperate behavior in a female?

    eh basically it was between two instances, one was the first night we hung out together, the first kiss etc... next day told me i was desperate. then a few months later (same guy ive been seeing since may) tells me that even though we havent seen each other in a long time he cant quite afford to...
  3. Urca

    What do you consider desperate behavior in a female?

    thanks, i do appreciate it.
  4. Urca

    What do you consider desperate behavior in a female?

    i didnt even think what i did counted as it.... but now that im just kinda down im like "fuck he thinks your desperate, he thinks your desperate, he wont believe you if you tell him you care because he thinks you're desperate for anyone" idk, im just in a bad place right now, some one died today...
  5. Urca

    What do you consider desperate behavior in a female?

    lol no its just im having a bad day and focusing on the negitive hurtful shit, and i cant get out of my head those words, so i need a little affirmation that i wasnt being the way i was told i was acting
  6. Urca

    What do you consider desperate behavior in a female?

    I was just thinking back and wanted to hear your definitions of desperate, lol make myself feel better about being called that twice by the same person
  7. Urca

    Before Glasses were invented...

    lol maybe he shouldnt. btw, fin, quit talking down to people and being all knowing. not cool man, like you using duh or the dunce cap smily... quit making topics and calling people dumb if they dont agree with you
  8. Urca

    Before Glasses were invented...

    well, before glasses were invented its not like they murdered all the blind people. Maybe back in the days when we were still animalistic, but as society developed a niche opened up for blind people. For the most part they were either taken care of by family or turned to begging. Shit, people...
  9. Urca

    Issues using bubbler?

    So I got a bubbler for christmas, and I have been trying to use it... but... Every time I pack a bowl, and try to light it, it doesnt bubble. Yet before hand it bubbles but for some reason its drawing up water. So its like I either get a mouth full of water or a shitty hit. Maybe its because I...
  10. Urca

    Police putting false info on a report?

    what do checks and balances have to do with anything in this topic? checks and balances exist between branches of government, not between the courts and the cops. Misinformation like this is what makes people think that you are a troll
  11. Urca

    How deep is your voice, The Barry White Syndrome.

    i can accept that
  12. Urca

    Taking Care of Your Glass

    so i got a bubbler for xmas, and i was wondering, should i keep it clean? i know it sounds like a stupid question, but my brother hasnt really ever cleaned his and it works good, but since he's the only one i personally know who owns one, im curious. ive used them before, but its just its...
  13. Urca

    How deep is your voice, The Barry White Syndrome.

    lol well dont you think he'd want you to love again? sorry if thats personal but if you two loved each other the way you say, i know he'd want you to have someone in your life, religion or not
  14. Urca

    Whats up

    i know idk why these things happen to her. you need protect yourself kuroi. btw, have you ever seen that show super skinny vs super fat? its a british show i was watching earlier at my dads
  15. Urca

    How deep is your voice, The Barry White Syndrome.

    :( what happened isnt a punishment, and love isnt wrong, whether its two guys or a girl and a guy. id love to see you with a man, you deserve it. though i can understand your reasons for choosing not to be with a man, i hate that you're shorting yourself. plus you and i both understand how...
  16. Urca

    Whats up

    lol i wasnt hung over, just a slight tummy ache and kuroi, i cant believe that happened to you, are you ok????
  17. Urca

    Whats up

    but its such a nice buzz, even a good drunk, but then i added weed, champaign, jager, and then i was drunk off my ass trying to eat something to sober up, so i ate pizza, but too much of it, then next then i knew i was naked in the shower puking everywhere
  18. Urca

    How deep is your voice, The Barry White Syndrome.

    carne, im sorry that happened to you, but why not love again? love is endless, why contain it in the past?
  19. Urca

    Whats up

    lol i was drinking manhattans and getting a nice buzz, but never too drunk, i was being careful, then on new years put a huge dent in a bottle of evan williams, and took a few shots of jager, and two mugs full of champaign. violently ill in the shower at about 1:30 in the morning
  20. Urca

    Whats up

    my brother wouldnt take me, he said that i shouldnt do it until im older, and then my dad came into it, and that was the end of that. who knows, ill do it someday.