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  1. Urca

    You know someone is a NEWB smoker when . . .

    This is so true, the first few times i hit the bong, I ended up on the floor, coughing my lungs out, calling to my brother a few feet away "Help me, Water!!!!!!!! I need water!!!" But he was so high all he could do was laugh at me trying to stop coughing. But holy shit I was HIGH AS FUCK when I...
  2. Urca

    What does your screen name mean?

    My friends said Erica all ghetto when I was 15 and it came out as Urca..... so all my friends still call me that, and i use it on here
  3. Urca

    What makes a good woman?

    I like the way that sounds, not that you explained it further it does seem kind of nice
  4. Urca

    What makes a good woman?

    you sure she's happy with that situation? sounds kinda like you have an iron fist
  5. Urca

    What makes a good woman?

    yeah it is!
  6. Urca

    What makes a good woman?

    this is cute
  7. Urca

    What makes a good woman?

    never thought id see the day. anywho, im really appreciating what you guys have to say, thinking real hard on it :)
  8. Urca

    No girl for Heph :).

    Sorry to hear that man
  9. Urca

    What makes a good woman?

    but thats the thing, she has to be good before you love her. had to earn your love somehow
  10. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    I always heard brits hated the dentist. Holy shit kuroi get your ass in there and handle it, its only gonna get worse
  11. Urca

    What makes a good woman?

    I never said perfect woman, just a good woman lol
  12. Urca

    What makes a good woman?

    lol makes sense.
  13. Urca

    What makes a good woman?

    I dont feel like id be a good woman, and this is why I brought this up. I like your point beansly
  14. Urca

    What makes a good woman?

    why does your decision stand above hers?
  15. Urca

    You know someone is a NEWB smoker when . . .

    no its just like wtf man, you had the blunt for hella long hit it hella, its my weed, then you watch me like a hawk making sure i dont hit it too much or else im "fucking up the rotation" even though you had my blunt for hella long
  16. Urca

    What makes a good woman?

    In the eyes of a man. Now ive heard plenty of the girls on here be like "Im a good woman, i cook, clean, give bjs, etc." But is it just what they can do for you or what else is it? Ive heard my whole life " I hope you grow up to be a good woman Erica." But what is a good woman? Someone who...
  17. Urca

    You know someone is a NEWB smoker when . . .

    fuck yeah and they fucking hold on to that shit forever, I call it stingy not a noob thing
  18. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    lol im pretty sure im not a guy... so ganjames is a little wrong
  19. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    your not fat kuroi. at all. in any way. quit saying your fat. :) <3
  20. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    haha just a little bit. I kinda lost track of the conversation, its stopped being conherent