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  1. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    thank you. i used to hate my eyes when i was younger, everyone thought my eyes were pitch black, and with red hair... they thought it was scary. but ive grown into them i think :)
  2. Urca

    Favorite Muchie Meal

    hmm i dont have a favorite. but im always down for a pb and j
  3. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    right before i went and hung out with my fwb. there you go bblzs and your welcome beansly.
  4. Urca


    teachers. i know its bad but ever since i started high school, i kept thinking... man these teachers are fine, and off would go my little fantasy about having to stay after school.... and then you know the rest. lol im bad :hump:
  5. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    Selling yourself short, i think.
  6. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    hmm if you go first bblzs. :)
  7. Urca


    damn man big tat, but ive noticed your posts lately, and im just like holy shit, whatever happened to you did a huge number on you. Im sorry that happened to you, and I like how the tat shows up on your skin, though, i wouldnt want it for myself
  8. Urca

    Funny story

    its not that, they just werent paying attention, and it fucking hurt
  9. Urca

    Weed As Currency

    my brother traded about a quarter for his roor, which would have cost him waaaaaaayy more than what he had in cash. he also traded a quarter for his snowboard and season pass. Im wondering why they were so desperate for weed they traded for something of lesser value?
  10. Urca

    Funny story

    Yesterday we were extremely high and out on a mission to buy some food. Well as we were leaving, I couldnt get my door open, my sister opened the door for me, but before I got in the driver started to back up, pretty much clotheslining me with the car door. almost knocked me off my feet. They...
  11. Urca

    Way to go stoner!

    I have so many burns on my hands, from all the years growing up playing with fire and learning how to cook. On my left pointer finger back in febuary i accidently burned a huge oval into my finger, between the first and second joint, while making my best friend dinner. Holy shit was it bad. I...
  12. Urca


    lol its not that, i just love the whole gypsy thing, its good luck, plus the way that girl was drawn, she didn't look like a gypsy but still had the same elements, and I feel like done right, she could be a peice of art instead of just another tattoo. Not all tattoos have to have meaning
  13. Urca

    What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

    dots why are all the girls you mention from your area sluts?
  14. Urca


    ah so i went and found what i meant by the coloring i like check the girls faces, thats what i like as far as color
  15. Urca


    I would want it in color, I like representational color, with high lights and vary shades... idk how to describe it, its like realistic and colorful but not cartoony. but not like photo realistic? idk if im making sense
  16. Urca


    lol honestly though, im on facebook looking at your tats that you've done, and one of my concerns about that tattoo I put up on here is the coloring... :( im being self defeating here. plus the whole idea of meeting someone off of riu is weird in itself.
  17. Urca


    Eh ill think about it, im going to be in vegas from the 18th through the 5th of January. Id really like a tat, but you know, jitters and money and what not. Id like to see what you could do with her though, maybe ill get my courage up and come look you up with my brother in tow
  18. Urca


    How will I see yours? And btw I was considering having one done by you while Im up there but..... bleh money money money. Plus idk if you could even do something like that?
  19. Urca


    lol ive never seen any of your personal tattoos. I dont have any yet but i really want to get one, something like this though id change some stuff about her face, I took this pic from a dude who does tats, but he hasnt done this one yet, so I didnt feel like I was taking it.
  20. Urca

    You know someone is a NEWB smoker when . . .

    Thats been me. I miss smoking out of bongs, I havent hit one in so long I forgot the feeling, I know im gonna be tore up in a few days when I finally get to vegas and my brother's bong will be waiting for me