Funny story


Well-Known Member
one time my twin bro tackled me while I was eating a cracker, I choked a bit but didnt think anything of it. Later on I noticed my nose felt stuffy but I just figured I needed to blow my nose. It wasnt until I took a huge hit out of his bong as was coughing my lungs out that i relaized what was wrong. The smoke made me sneeze, and I sneezed out chewed up saltine. It was so gross


Ursus marijanus
One time my kid sister was mad at me so she put dish soap on my retainer. That was nasty. Well while she was laughing herself into a coma, I took little wads of wet toilet paper and gently lobbed them onto the ceiling over her bed. That night, one detached. I heard the soft smacking sound followed by a swear word in our native tongue. Hooyah. cn


Well-Known Member
One time my kid sister was mad at me so she put dish soap on my retainer. That was nasty. Well while she was laughing herself into a coma, I took little wads of wet toilet paper and gently lobbed them onto the ceiling over her bed. That night, one detached. I heard the soft smacking sound followed by a swear word in our native tongue. Hooyah. cn
whats your native tongue?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
I was in Utah visiting a friend and she introduced me to the wonders of Cannabis. She gave me a couple of joints to smoke on my trip home. I was headed back to New Mexico. It was February and I was wearing a cable knit sweater with a t-shirt underneath (this is important). Just outside of Green River on I-70 I decided to spark one up and play some tunes. My car didn't have a lighter in it and all I had were matches. I lit it up and tossed the match out the window. I took a couple of tokes and the car was filling up with smoke (similar to Urca's situation). I rolled down to clear it out. It worked for a while. I took another couple of tokes. More smoke. I was getting a little paranoid. Here I was on a major freeway with some of the most militant police in the nation and my car was filling up with smoke. I decided it was better to wait until Moab before I tried this again. Moab is more laid back and hippie'ish (kind of like Sedona or Durango). So I put out the joint put it back with the rest.

My car started filling up with smoke again.

Not only that but the back of my right shoulder was starting to sting. That's when I realized my sweater was on fire. I had tossed the match out only to have it blow back in and stick on my sweater and ignite it. I pulled the car over, jumped out and stripped down to my skin. The smoldering fire had eaten a hole the size of a pancake into the sweater and was starting to scorch my t-shirt. Thank all that's holy, no police were around. I did get a lot of honks and waves from passing vehicles while I was getting another shirt from the trunk.

once when we were about 16 or so we were in the woods doing the usual binge drinking and blunt smoking. it must've been fall or spring because everyone had on sweatshirts.

so my friend goes to light another blunt. he's using a zippo and we're all huddled around him to block the wind.

so he's puffing on the blunt to get it lit and someone goes, "holy shit i never seen a flame like that on a zippo"

the asshole had lit his hoodie on fire and was lighting the blunt off his sleeve. the flame was about 5 inches high.

so he's shedding layers jumping around screaming and this stoner chick is all worried about the blunt on her hands and knees in the dark looking for it while the rest of us just stood there laughing our asses off.

one of my fondest high school memories.
A bunch of us were in the woods in southern Alabama in the winter, it's cold as hell. We were smoking a joint of some colombian gold and were standing on a small island in a creek. I was kneeling down, I took a big ass hit off the joint and stood up at the same time. I got a head rush so strong that I passed right the fuck out and landed face first in the creek. Next thing I knew, the people I was with pulled me out and I woke up choking my fucking ass off. They said I actually started turning blue. I coughed and choked for about 15 minutes til I was ok. That was one scary ass experience, let me tell you!


Well-Known Member
Yesterday we were extremely high and out on a mission to buy some food. Well as we were leaving, I couldnt get my door open, my sister opened the door for me, but before I got in the driver started to back up, pretty much clotheslining me with the car door. almost knocked me off my feet.
They all thought it was hella funny

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Yesterday we were extremely high and out on a mission to buy some food. Well as we were leaving, I couldnt get my door open, my sister opened the door for me, but before I got in the driver started to back up, pretty much clotheslining me with the car door. almost knocked me off my feet.
They all thought it was hella funny
to me it seems that u and all your friends should be under adult supervision. you guys are very dangerous.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
its not that, they just werent paying attention, and it fucking hurt
no it is that, u guys need some one supervising your every movement in life. before u hurt someone.
your treading on very dangerous waters here.
in all seriousness u should get one of those cool people that watch over handicap people, to follow u and your crew around.