Funny story


Well-Known Member
I was smoking a joint in my friends car going down the freeway, it was like 3 am, so no one was out. well he just got his windows tinted, so we couldnt roll them down, but I didnt want box the car. So I said is there any way to crack the window. He said sure, next thing I know we're doing 70 down the freeway and this dude throws his door open to let the smoke out. I was pretty high and I was like yelling "OH MY GOD CLOSE THE DOOR, WE'RE GONNA DIE".
I still had half a joint left, and I put that shit out. I said straight up "This shit is too crazy, I dont even wanna smoke no more." My heart was beating like a jack rabbit and the last thing I wanted was to smoke.

Do you have any funny stories?

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
@70mph the word stupidity comes to mind before the word funny, sadly i have nothing that compares your funny story soz

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
i agree, it would of been better if u would have taken a hit off the joint,
then stuck your ass out the window and farted the hit out your ass....


Well-Known Member
@70mph the word stupidity comes to mind before the word funny, sadly i have nothing that compares your funny story soz
eh whoever said it had to be the same type.

ok so my sister and I were smoking the other day, and we left the house to smoke because our stepdad was home. Well as we walk back stoned as fuck, we see him getting in his car to leave. So we walk the other way trying to avoid him, and bam he still hasnt left yet, and so we walk back the way we first came, still smoking. He starts coming around the corner and my dumb ass sister was like "RUN FOR ANY DOOR, I DONT GIVE A FUCK WHOSE DOOR IT IS, ,JUST RUN" So we take off like little high rabbits, only to relaize that he decided to go in the opposite direction from us.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I was in Utah visiting a friend and she introduced me to the wonders of Cannabis. She gave me a couple of joints to smoke on my trip home. I was headed back to New Mexico. It was February and I was wearing a cable knit sweater with a t-shirt underneath (this is important). Just outside of Green River on I-70 I decided to spark one up and play some tunes. My car didn't have a lighter in it and all I had were matches. I lit it up and tossed the match out the window. I took a couple of tokes and the car was filling up with smoke (similar to Urca's situation). I rolled down to clear it out. It worked for a while. I took another couple of tokes. More smoke. I was getting a little paranoid. Here I was on a major freeway with some of the most militant police in the nation and my car was filling up with smoke. I decided it was better to wait until Moab before I tried this again. Moab is more laid back and hippie'ish (kind of like Sedona or Durango). So I put out the joint put it back with the rest.

My car started filling up with smoke again.

Not only that but the back of my right shoulder was starting to sting. That's when I realized my sweater was on fire. I had tossed the match out only to have it blow back in and stick on my sweater and ignite it. I pulled the car over, jumped out and stripped down to my skin. The smoldering fire had eaten a hole the size of a pancake into the sweater and was starting to scorch my t-shirt. Thank all that's holy, no police were around. I did get a lot of honks and waves from passing vehicles while I was getting another shirt from the trunk.


Ursus marijanus
Carne, the thing that floors me about your story is that you didn't think twice about the fact that your weed smelled like a hot sheep. cn


Well-Known Member
I was in Utah visiting a friend and she introduced me to the wonders of Cannabis. She gave me a couple of joints to smoke on my trip home. I was headed back to New Mexico. It was February and I was wearing a cable knit sweater with a t-shirt underneath (this is important). Just outside of Green River on I-70 I decided to spark one up and play some tunes. My car didn't have a lighter in it and all I had were matches. I lit it up and tossed the match out the window. I took a couple of tokes and the car was filling up with smoke (similar to Urca's situation). I rolled down to clear it out. It worked for a while. I took another couple of tokes. More smoke. I was getting a little paranoid. Here I was on a major freeway with some of the most militant police in the nation and my car was filling up with smoke. I decided it was better to wait until Moab before I tried this again. Moab is more laid back and hippie'ish (kind of like Sedona or Durango). So I put out the joint put it back with the rest.

My car started filling up with smoke again.

Not only that but the back of my right shoulder was starting to sting. That's when I realized my sweater was on fire. I had tossed the match out only to have it blow back in and stick on my sweater and ignite it. I pulled the car over, jumped out and stripped down to my skin. The smoldering fire had eaten a hole the size of a pancake into the sweater and was starting to scorch my t-shirt. Thank all that's holy, no police were around. I did get a lot of honks and waves from passing vehicles while I was getting another shirt from the trunk.
thank you for the funny story, id be dying if i were there. actually i have had something similar to this happen


Well-Known Member
Carne, the thing that floors me about your story is that you didn't think twice about the fact that your weed smelled like a hot sheep. cn
Actually, wool doesn't burn very easy at all, it was probably another material. Cotton maybe.

"The more you know...!"


Well-Known Member
I was in Utah visiting a friend and she introduced me to the wonders of Cannabis. She gave me a couple of joints to smoke on my trip home. I was headed back to New Mexico. It was February and I was wearing a cable knit sweater with a t-shirt underneath (this is important). Just outside of Green River on I-70 I decided to spark one up and play some tunes. My car didn't have a lighter in it and all I had were matches. I lit it up and tossed the match out the window. I took a couple of tokes and the car was filling up with smoke (similar to Urca's situation). I rolled down to clear it out. It worked for a while. I took another couple of tokes. More smoke. I was getting a little paranoid. Here I was on a major freeway with some of the most militant police in the nation and my car was filling up with smoke. I decided it was better to wait until Moab before I tried this again. Moab is more laid back and hippie'ish (kind of like Sedona or Durango). So I put out the joint put it back with the rest.

My car started filling up with smoke again.

Not only that but the back of my right shoulder was starting to sting. That's when I realized my sweater was on fire. I had tossed the match out only to have it blow back in and stick on my sweater and ignite it. I pulled the car over, jumped out and stripped down to my skin. The smoldering fire had eaten a hole the size of a pancake into the sweater and was starting to scorch my t-shirt. Thank all that's holy, no police were around. I did get a lot of honks and waves from passing vehicles while I was getting another shirt from the trunk.
:) Priceless.


Well-Known Member
My best friend isnt the smartest tool in the shed. She, her boyfriend, and I were all smoking one night and we got tore up. Well she keeps smoking and smoking, to prove "she's the best stoner, the most down". All the sudden I see smoke and im like wow, thats a big hit. Then I realized it was coming from her hoodie, somehow the cherry got onto her hoodie and was burning it. All of us were asking each other, What do we do what do we do, and she's tripping, and im like put it out put it out ITS ALIVE. Finally gather our wits together and throw water on her. She burned a hole the size of a half dollar into her hoodie. Lol who's the best smoker now?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Carne, the thing that floors me about your story is that you didn't think twice about the fact that your weed smelled like a hot sheep. cn
Actually, wool doesn't burn very easy at all, it was probably another material. Cotton maybe.

"The more you know...!"
Yeah it was a cotton-poly blend I think. It's been a while and I've killed a lot of brain cells. Plus, first time smoking. I grew up in a strict Mormon household in a strict Mormon community. I didn't know from pot smoke smell. Hell I didn't even know what gay was until I walked up on two guys behind the Junior High going at it in the bushes. Confused the hell out of me. :p


Ursus marijanus
The confusion faded with time, I am sure, but ... cotton/poly? Gevalt. cn

My funny stories tend to feature making my kid sister laugh while she was drinking chocolate milk. Her nose would look like the USS Enterprise fending off pesky Romulans. Phood Phasers. cn